Creating Data Views

Data Views use SQL queries that are defined against system tables and business process tables. Data Views are used in Custom Reports, User-Defined Reports (UDRs), and Shell dashboards.

Note: The User-Defined Reports (UDRs) can be created at company and project/shell levels.

Data views must contain project_id in the SQL query for the data view to be displayed in a project/shell-level UDR data type list.

The system includes an Explain Plan option that you can use to evaluate your data views. Running the Explain Plan provides important feedback that can help you modify the SQL query to reduce or eliminate performance issues.

Before you begin: Define your reporting requirements first. Collaboration between business users and technical development teams helps identify the data you must collect and how to present that data so report recipients will have an easy-to-read, useful report.

Step 1: Set permissions for data view creation. See Grant Permissions for Data View Creation.

Step 2: Create data views. See Create and Publish Data Views and Metadata.

Note: For translation information, see the Unifier Essentials General Administration Guide.

Step 3: View data and metadata. See View Data (Query Results) and Metadata (Columns) in the View.

Step 4: Export data. See Export Data (Query Results).

In This Section

Grant Permissions for Data View Creation

Create and Publish Data Views and Metadata

View Data (Query Results) and Metadata (Columns) in the View

Export Data (Query Results)

View Data View Usage in Reports and Data Cubes

Edit Data Views

Delete Data Views

Review Database Table Structure

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024