Defining a Data Cube

To define a data cube:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, click Data Structure Setup > Data Cube Definitions. The Data Cubes log opens.
  3. Click either New > Shell Data Cube or New > Company Data Cube. The Create Data Cube window opens.
  4. Select Data Type or Data View.
    • A data type comprises business process and manager attribute forms
    • A data view comprises results from a data base query

      Note: When creating data cubes, data views are only seen when you select Data View as the source. This is different from UDR creation when data views are listed with data types.

  5. Click OK. The Data Cube window opens.
  6. Complete the General tab.

    Name: enter a unique name for the data cube

    Description: this field is optional

    Data Type: this read-only field is automatically completed with the data type selection

    Type: this read-only field is automatically completed with the level selection

  7. Click the Data Source tab. On this tab you can add the data sources you want to include in the data cube, for example, a business process, workflow, or shell.
  8. Click the Add button. The Data Sources window opens listing all available data sources for this data cube.
  9. Select at least one data source. You cannot move to the next tab or save the data cube without a data source selection. You can add as many data sources as are available.
  10. Click the Data Elements tab.
  11. Select at least one data element. You cannot save the data cube without a data element selection. You can add as many data elements as are available.

    The selected data elements are arranged in the Data Elements pane in a grid.

    • Data Source: The data element data source.
    • Label: The data element label. You can modify this label.
    • Name: The data element name.
    • Type: The data element type.
    • Group: Click to define whether the data element can be used as a Grouping element when the data cube is used.
    • Summary: Click to define whether the data element can be used as a Summary type.

    On this pane you have the option to add functions. To do so, click Add Functions. Select a function type: Formula, Date Difference, Date Add, Date Function.

    • For Formula click Create. Create a formula and click OK. The data source available for the formula are based on the data sources you selected in the Data Sources tab.
    • For Date Difference enter a column heading name, specify the dates, and whether to show partial days. Click OK.
    • For Date Add enter a column heading name, specify the date and the add function. Click OK.
    • For Date Function enter a column heading name and specify the date. Click OK.

    To modify a data element, select the data element and click the Modify button.

    To remove a data element, select the data element and click the Remove button.

    Use the Move Up or Move Down buttons to reorder the listed data elements.

  12. Click the Query tab if you want to add one or more queries to the data cube. See Define Report Queries (Query Condition).

Data Cubes and Configuration Package

Data Cubes are used for creating Shell dashboards.

You can pick and choose which Data Cubes to transfer by including the needed Data Cubes in the Component List and creating a Configuration Package by using the list.

The Data Cubes log contains the following columns:

When the configuration package is created, the system will check to ensure that the Data Cubes that have been included are in Publish status or not. If the Data Cubes that have been included are not in Publish status, then an error message is displayed at the time of creating the configuration package.

See Also

Creating Data Cubes

Selecting Data Sources

Adding Data Elements

Defining Queries

Granting Permissions for Data Cube

Publishing Data Cube

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024