Setting Up the Document Manager

A document attribute form and folder attribute form has designed by Oracle. These are used as the Properties window for documents and folders in the project-, shell-, and company-level Document Manager, which lets you specify the fields that you want to associate with folders and documents (these are reportable).

Step 1: Create a folder structure template. This can be used to create the folder structures in the Document Manager at the project, shell, and company level.

Step 2: Lock the folder structure. This is an optional step. This locks the first-level folder structure in User mode, which prevents users from creating or editing first-level folders and lets you maintain a consistent structure across projects/shells and at the company level. Users can still add or edit subfolders. You can unlock the folder structure later for editing if necessary.

For security, the Company Administrators can specify the list and size of files that can be uploaded to the Company Properties page, by users and per company policy. For more information, see Access Company Details (Edit Company Window) in the Unifier Essentials General Administration Guide.

In This Section

Document and Folder Properties



Setting Document Manager Administration and User Permissions

Working with Folder Structure Templates

Lock and Unlock the First-level Folder Structure

Configuring Document Manager

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024