Cash Flow Curves

Cash flow curves are graphical presentations of the expenditures or spends. Cash flow curves let you:

The cash flow management steps (Baseline, Actuals or Spends, and Forecast) can be displayed as Cash flow curves in the system.

The following lists the cash flow curves types:

  1. Detail Curves: Cost per period.
  2. Rollup Curves: Each period includes sum of all previous periods.
  3. Summary Curves: Each project/shell cash flow has a system defined project/shell summary curve.

Cash Flow Curves and Data Sources, Types, Distribution Profiles, Detail curve templates, and Roll up curve templates Options

A cash flow curve requires a data source which your administrator can create in the Standards & Libraries node.

Data Sources

Used to identify cash flow curves and Roll up data to the company worksheets. Multiple data sources can be defined per curve type, depending upon business needs. Example: “Original baseline and Current baseline” data sources can be defined for type “Baseline”. For roll ups, curves are summarized across data sources.

Curve Types

Used with pre-defined categories of cash flow curves for:

Each curve type has its own logic to address different business requirements.

Distribution Profiles

Used to distribute data automatically in the cash flow worksheet.

Detail curve templates

Cash flow curves can be created either manually or from a template.

Cash flow templates are created in Company Workspace from project templates and are used to create cash flow worksheets.

Roll up curve templates

Used to create curves that roll up cash flow data from projects/shells.

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024