Project or Shell Cash Flow Properties (Curves Pane)

As shown in the screen capture below, the Cash Flow Properties window Curves pane contains the Curves drop-down list, which lets you add or remove curves.

This image highlights the curves pate in the Cash Flow properties window.

After you add a curve, the system adds an interactive image representation of the added curve to the Curves pane.

The following explains the elements of the Curves pane.


Click the Curves drop-down list to open a list that contains the list of available curves.

These curves, or data sources, have been defined by the Administrator in the Standards & Libraries module. Company Workspace > Admin mode > Standards & Libraries module > Cash Flow > Data Sources.

The Cashflow Datasources window, where the Administrator edits the list of data sources, contains a list of data sources that are categorized by name, curve type and color. For example, the name of a data source can be Actuals which is assigned to a Spends curve type, or the name of a data source can be Original Budget which is assigned to a Portfolio Budget curve type.

Different names can be assigned to on curve type. That is to state, depending on the curve type, the curve setup options will differ. The admin can define one curve for every data source.

For more information, see the Unifier Essentials Modules Administration Guide.

Note: The Portfolio Budget curve is linked to scenarios in the Portfolio Manager. The Project Manager must create this curve. After it is created, the curve shows the initial budget projections.

The list of available curves include:

When you open a curve, you can view the data in the transaction currency, if the transaction currency is different than the project currency.

If a curve, or data source, is available within the Curves pane (interactive image representation of the added curve), double-click anywhere on the image to open the curve window. In this window, you can see the curve type information as well as information related to the curve, as described in the following table. If you make any changes, click Update to save your changes; otherwise, click Cancel to discard your changes or close the window.


  • Single distribution of sum of Base Commit and all changes
  • By individual record (base commit and all changes separately)
  • By line items within each individual record

Distribution Method

  • Manual entry of values for each cash flow period
  • Manual dates and manual profile selection
  • Business process dates and default profile selection

Select change orders you want to include

  • List of Business Processes and corresponding statuses are presented. Manual entry of values for each cash flow period
  • Manual dates and manual profile selection
  • Business process dates and default profile selection
  • You have the option to add methods to the distribution method or remove methods from the distribution method.


Your options are Inflow or Outflow. See the following topics for details about Variance values.

To add a curve:

  1. Click the Curves drop-down list.
  2. Select a data source, or curve, from the list (for example, select Forecast) to open the data source window.
  3. Enter values in the fields and click Add, when finished.

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024