Gateway Integration Tab

All existing projects that have integration entries for P6 will show in the Gateway Integration tab, in the shell Details. The system will look for P6 or the Oracle Primavera Cloud project ID from the Gateway Integration tab. Users can import P6 data in XML format to Unifier Essentials into the System Activity Sheet through the Gateway services and proceed to update its data, as needed, in Unifier Essentials.

If you must integrate with a schedule with the same Oracle Primavera Cloud project ID for a cash flow, you must get the same Oracle Primavera Cloud project ID from the linked projects in the Primavera Cloud Integration tab and navigate to the Gateway Integration tab to manually add the Oracle Primavera Cloud project ID for the schedule data.

The Gateway Integration tab in shell template attribute window is used to map multiple P6 projects with the respective Unifier Essentials shell.

The Gateway Integration tab in shell template attribute window has the following options:

The Gateway Integration tab in shell template attribute window has the following columns:

While you create the mapping, you are required to enter only the Project ID (marked as mandatory field). Unifier Essentials populates the other columns (Project Name and Schedule Type) when you run project synchronization.

When you add projects, using this tab, to create an Activity Sheet:

If the user decides to change the existing mapping setup (Activity Sheet), Unifier Essentials replaces the existing Activity Sheet with P6 projects after the next synchronization.

If a user tries to remove (Remove) a project that is mapped to an Activity Sheet, Unifier Essentials cannot process the change because the schedule for the project is present in the Activity Sheet.

You can integrate multiple P6 projects into one Unifier Essentials project.

In This Section

CBS Type Shell

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024