Updating Cost Sheet Snapshots in a Shell

After a snapshot schedule is created, you can use the Update Shells option to push the schedule to the selected shells. Changes made to the schedule after it is saved must be saved again before it can be pushed to the selected shells.

To add or update snapshots using Update Shells:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, click Templates > Shells.
  3. Open the template that you want to update.
  4. In the left Navigator for the shell-type template, navigate to Cost Manager > Cost Sheet, and open the Cost Sheet template.
  5. In the toolbar, click Menu Options > Snapshots > Enable Auto Snapshot.
  6. In the Schedule Snapshot dialog box, select the Enable Auto Snapshot check box.

    By default, Update Shells is disabled until you create a snapshot schedule.

  7. From the Select Snapshot Frequency list, select the applicable option and then complete the corresponding steps.
    • If you select Weekly, select the day of the week.
    • If you select Monthly, select:
      • Day, and specify a date from 1 through 31. For months that have fewer than 31 days, the system automatically adjusts the schedule depending on the month.
      • The, and select First, Second, Third, or Fourth, and then select the day of the week.
    • If you select Quarterly, specify a Day from 1 through 90. Quarters are based on the calendar year.
    • If you select Yearly, specify a Day from 1 through 365.
  8. In the Range of Occurrence section, specify the Start Date (required) and End Date (optional).
  9. If you want the system to update the Prior Forecast column in the sheet after each snapshot, select the Update Prior Forecasts check box.
  10. To create the scheduled snapshot, click Save.
  11. At the top of the Schedule Snapshot dialog box, click Update Shells, and choose one of the following:
    • Shells: Use this option to select one or more shells to update. When the update window opens, it lists all shells in the project. You can use Find on Page to isolate the shells you want to update. The find window contains data elements from the Find form that was designed. When you have isolated the shells to update, click the Update button.
    • All Shells: Use this option to update all shells of that shell type.
    • History: Use this option view the update history from past updates or cancel a request before the update begins.

    An Alert window opens letting you know that you are about to push changes to the selected shells; there is no undo for the update.

  12. If you want to proceed with the update, click Yes; otherwise, click No to cancel.

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024