Setting Up Workflow BPs to Integrate With Oracle Integration Recipes

You can set up workflow BPs that use recipes by connecting with Oracle Integration.


Ensure the following:


To set up workflow BPs that use recipes from Oracle Integration:

  1. Set up an Oracle Integration configuration to generate an access token to make REST API calls.
    1. In the left Navigator of the Company Workspace (Admin Mode), select the Integrations > Oracle Integration Cloud menu option.
    2. In the Oracle Integration Cloud window, select the Connect tab.
    3. In the Connect tab, enter the connection parameters to generate an access token to connect with Oracle Integration.

      For more details, see Initial Oracle Integration Setup in the Unifier Essentials General Administration Guide.

    4. In the Workflow Business Processes field in the Recipes tab, copy the relevant workflow REST end point recipe from the POST field within Oracle Integration Cloud.
  2. To call the Oracle Integration recipes in Workflow BPs, set up workflow BPs using any of the following methods:
    • Set up a shell template for BP workflows from the Templates > Shells> Setup > Workflow Setup Node.

      In the Workflow Setup window, enter information as specified in Workflow Setup in Company-Level BPs or Project Level BPs.

    • Set up a BP Workflow template from the Workflow Setup node.

      In the Workflow Setup window, enter information as specified in Workflow Setup Node.

    • Set up project/shell-level workflow BPs from a <Project/Shell name> tab, and then click Setup > Business Process > <Business Process Name> > Workflow Setup in the left Navigator.

      In the Workflow Setup window, enter information as specified in Workflow Setup Node.

After the connection is established with Oracle Integration, it can be enabled or disabled as needed on-demand in the Integration tab. To disable connection to Oracle Integration:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, click Integrations > Oracle Integration Cloud.
  3. On the Connect tab, select No for the Enable Integration option.

Related Topics

Setting Up a Workflow Business Process

Business Process Node

Workflow Setup Node

Basic workflow setup in General tab

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Workflow Setup in Company-Level BPs or Project Level BPs

Define the Business Process Workflow

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Set up Record Properties for Workflow Business Processes

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024