Adding a Template for Baseline Curve for Cash Flow by Summary CBS or CBS

To add a template for Baseline curve for cash flow by Summary CBS or CBS:

  1. Go to your shell template in the Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, expand the Cost Manager > Cash Flow.
  3. In the right pane, click + Create in the tool bar.
  4. In the General pane of the Cash Flow Properties window (or the Cash Flow Properties worksheet), select any of the following options from the Detail Level drop-down list:
    • Summary CBS (for summary CBS codes)
    • CBS (for cash flow by individual CBS codes)
  5. In the Curves pane of Cash Flow Properties window, select Baseline from the Curves drop-down list.
  6. In the Baseline window, complete the fields using the information in the tables below.

    You can cost-load a schedule sheet by assigning roles and resources to project-related activities. When you associate a CBS code with an activity in the schedule sheet, the system can distribute its cost over a period of time based on activity dates and the calendar. You will be able to view this distributed cost along with other cash flow curves related to the project.

    You can create another Baseline curve by selecting a cost sheet as the source for cost or create a Forecast, Spends, and Custom curve. In all these cases, the list of CBS codes will be from the cost sheet and will not be filtered by the schedule sheet.

    The cash flow will pull distribution data (Linear, S-Curve, On Start and Finish) from a schedule sheet.

  7. When finished click Save & Close to save your work and open the cash flow worksheet that you have added.

Cash Flow Properties Template Setup For a Baseline Curve by Summary CBS

When you select the Summary CBS option in the Detail Level drop-down list (General pane) and in the Curves pane you add Baseline curve (from the Curves drop-down list), proceed to set up the following parameters:




Note: You can choose the cost column when creating a curve in a project/shell but not in templates.

Select your cost source as one of the following options:

  • Manual: Select this option if you want to manually enter amounts for each period. You can enter cost information in the Total field on the worksheet. This option is available if you select Manual in the Distribution drop-down list.
  • Distribute amount from Cost Sheet Column: Select this option if you want to use the default distribution profile. This option is available if you select Auto in the Distribution drop-down list. For example, columns such as Approved Budget Revisions, Approved Commitment Changes, Approved Contracts.


Define the range of dates to use to plot the cash flow data. These are the dates you specify to start the curve and end the curve.

Select one of the following options for each date:

  • Manual: Select this option if you want to manually enter the date in the cash flow worksheet.
  • Use dates from Activity Sheet: Select this option if you want to select dates from an activity sheet. Select a specific sheet in the Select Activity Sheet window, and proceed to specify the Project Type, From Date, To Date, and Periods for Cost Distribution..



Project Type

If you chose the Schedule as Use Dates from Activity Sheet, then select the project as either Baseline or Current.

From Date

If you chose the Schedule as Use Dates from Activity Sheet, then select the start date to use for plotting the cash flow curve.

To Date

If you chose the Schedule as Use Dates from Activity Sheet, then select the end date to use for plotting the cash flow curve.


Distribution profiles are used to distribute data automatically in the cash flow worksheet. Select a distribution profile to use as the default distribution profile for the curve. Select any of the following options:

  • Manual: Select this option if you want to enter values in each field manually.
  • Auto: Select this option if you want to specify a default distribution profile for initial display and calculations in the cash flow worksheet. If you change the distribution profile from the worksheet, the default profile is also updated to reflect the current selection.

    To specify a default distribution profile:

    1. Click the CBS Profile Distribution button.
    2. In the Distribute by default profile CBS window:
      1. Select a predetermined distribution method (at the Company Level or Project Level)from the Set Profile drop-down list.

        The distribution profiles for this field are defined in the following locations:

        • Company Workspace > Admin mode > Standards & Libraries > Cash Flow > Distribution Profiles, or
        • <Project/shell> > Financial Analysis > Cash Flow > Cash Flow log > Actions > Manage Distribution Profiles.
      2. Select one or more WBS codes from the list, and click Update.




For CBS, typically, the Variance is set to Inflow for a Baseline type curve. This value is used to calculate variances against the Outflow type curves. Your choices are:

  • Inflow
  • Outflow

Cash Flow Properties Template Setup For a Baseline Curve by CBS

When you select the CBS option in the Detail Level drop-down list (General pane) and in the Curves pane you add Baseline curve (from the Curves drop-down list), proceed to set up the following parameters:



Bring Baseline Data From Distribution

Specify the source of your baseline data. Select any of the following options:

  • General: Select this option if you want to bring baseline data from a general CBS code.
  • Activity Sheet: Select this option if you want to use cost and dates information from an activity sheet.
    Proceed to specify the Sheet Name, Project Type, Cost, and Schedule & Distribution.

Note: Cash flow worksheet data will not show accurate amounts when multiple CBS Codes are associated with a single resource. If you assign a resource to multiple activities with multiple CBS codes in the Activity Sheet and the cash flow curve has Baseline selected as the Project Type, the curve data will be incorrect.



Data Type

This field displays if you chose to Bring Baseline Data From a P6 Summary Sheet. Select any of the following values:

  • At Completion: Select this option if you want to draw the Baseline curve using the At Completion Cost spread.
  • Planned: Select this option if you want to draw the Baseline curve using the Planned Cost spread.

Sheet Name

If you chose to Bring Baseline Data From an Activity Sheet, then select an activity sheet.

Schedule & Distribution

If you chose to Bring Baseline Data From an Activity Sheet, then select a column for the Schedule & Distribution method.


Note: You can choose the cost column when creating a curve in a project/shell but not in templates.

Select your cost source as one of the following options:

  • Manual: Select this cost option if you want to manually enter amounts for each period. This option will be available if you selected the Distribution as Manual. This allows you enter cost information in the Total field on the worksheet.
  • From Activity Sheet Column: This cost option displays if you chose to Bring Baseline Data From an Activity Sheet. Select a column from the Activity Sheet such as At Completion Cost, Planned Cost, or Remaining Cost, and so forth.
  • From Cost Sheet Column: Select this cost option if you if you chose to Bring Baseline Data From an Activity Sheet., and want to use a default distribution profile. This option is available if you selected the Distribution field value as Auto. From the drop-down list, select a column name such as Approved Budget Revisions, Approved Commitment Changes, Approved Contracts, and so forth.


Define the range of dates to use for plotting the cash flow data. These are the dates you specify to start the curve and end the curve.

Select one of the following options:

  • Manual: Select this option if you want to manually enter the date in the cash flow worksheet.
  • Use dates from Activity Sheet: Select this option if you want to use an activity sheet from the Select Activity Sheet window. When you select this option, you will need to also specify the Project Type, From Date, To Date, and Periods for Cost Distribution.



Project Type

If you chose the Schedule as Use Dates from Activity sheet, then select the project as either Baseline or Current.

From Date

If you chose the Schedule as Use Dates from Activity Sheet, then select the start date to use for plotting the cash flow curve.

To Date

If you chose the Schedule as Use Dates from Schedule Sheet or Use Dates from Activity Sheet, then select the end date to use for plotting the cash flow curve.


Distribution profiles are used to distribute data automatically in the cash flow worksheet. This option lets you select a distribution profile to use as the default distribution profile for the curve. Select any of the following options:

  • Manual: Select this option if you want to enter values in each field manually.
  • Auto: Select this option if you want to specify a default distribution profile for initial display and calculations in the cash flow worksheet. If you change the distribution profile from the worksheet, the default profile is also updated to reflect the current selection.

    To specify a default distribution profile:

    1. Click the CBS Profile Distribution button.
    2. In the Distribute by default profile CBS window:
      1. Select a predetermined distribution method (at the Company Level or Project Level)from the Set Profile drop-down list.

        The distribution profiles for this field are defined in the following locations:

        • Company Workspace > Admin mode > Standards & Libraries > Cash Flow > Distribution Profiles, or
        • <Project/shell> > Financial Analysis > Cash Flow > Cash Flow log > Actions > Manage Distribution Profiles.
      2. Select one or more WBS codes from the list, and click Update.



Periods for Cost Distribution

This field displays only if you have selected the Schedule option as Use Dates from Activity Sheet, and Distribution as Auto.

Select any of the following options to specify how to distribute the costs based on the activity schedule:

  • Consecutive Periods: Select this option to distribute costs based on the profile from the earliest start to the latest finish dates across activities for each CBS or Summary CBS code. This is the default option for new or existing curves if you selected Schedule as Use Dates from Activity Sheet.
  • Exclude Gap Periods: Select this option to distribute costs by honoring gaps between activities if there are multiple activities for the same CBS Code.
  • Honor Working Days: Select this option to distribute costs based on the working days of activities.


For CBS, typically, the Variance is set to Inflow for a Baseline type curve. This value is used to calculate variances against the Outflow type curves. Your choices are:

  • Inflow
  • Outflow

Related Topics

Baseline Curve

Adding a Baseline Curve Template for Cash Flows

Adding a Template for Baseline Curve for Cash Flow by Project or Shell

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024