Access Gate Configuration View

To access the gate configuration view:

Select a phase. The gate configure view opens in the right pane. See the following table for more information about the gate configuration view.

The Phase Gate Configuration section in the navigator lists the Phases for the current shell. The visual order of the Phases depends on the Order specified in the General tab.

The Gates Conditions Elements section lets you define condition criteria per element. Gate Elements will be selected from all data sources and modules available in a particular shell (for the Sponsoring company).

In this field

Do this

Start Date


The start date must fall within Shell date ranges.

Planned Completion


Note: Dates are for reporting only. Phases cannot be date driven.

Advance to Next Phase

This check box enables automatic phase advancement. Select the check box if you want the shell to move automatically to the next phase after all Gate Elements for a particular Phase have been checked.

Notify users on Phase Completion

Lets you define users who receive phase completion notification. You can configure the body text in the notification (similar to the business process Setup on the End Step, where you can specify the message text content.

Reevaluate conditions on every Gates run

When selected, this check box specifies that processing always starts at the First phase during a scheduled Gates Run/Refresh. You might have to scroll down to see this check box.

If the check box is not selected for a phase:

  • If the phase is currently incomplete, incomplete conditions are evaluated and completed conditions are skipped
  • If the phase is currently complete, phase processing is skipped

If the check box is selected in a phase:

  • Every condition in that phase is reevaluated. Including conditions that were met
  • All conditions (except conditions that were marked as "ignore" manually) are marked as incomplete at the beginning of every Gates Run and refresh.

Saved Gates Run (PDF) from prior runs persist. Processing will stop at a Phase where first un-met condition is encountered. By default, this check box is deselected.

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024