Configure and Activate a BP

The following procedure describes how to configure and activate a business process. If the business process form contains a data picker, you must also configure the data picker.

To configure and activate a BP:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, click Configuration > Business Process.

    The Configuration - Business Processes log opens. The log lists the Business Processes that have been imported into the system.

  3. Select a BP and then click Open to go to the Configuration - <BP NAME> window of the selected BP.
  4. In the Configuration - <BP NAME> window, select a record, click Open, and enter values in each tab as described below.
    • General tab: In this tab, you can specify the log in which the BP records will appear, the numbering sequence for the records, the status, and record termination restrictions. The tab also shows whether the BP is company, project, or shell level.
    • Workflow tab: In this tab, you can activate one or more workflows that have been imported with the BP. A business process may have multiple workflows. Non-workflow BPs will not appear in this tab.
    • Query tab: In this tab, you can set query and refresh conditions.

The following explains the fields on the General tab:

In this field:

Do this:


Select the level at which the BP displays:

  • Company
  • Project/Shell

Default Location

Choose where the BP records will be stored. Some BP types will default to a log and cannot be changed.

If you are using the user configurable Navigator, you might not immediately see the BP in the User Mode log, even after granting permissions. You must manually move the BP into the correct User Mode node.

Sequence Policy

This determines how the record numbers for each BP record are sequenced. The record number is displayed on the form and in the Business Process log.

  • Company Based: Regardless of which project a BP record is created in, the record numbering sequence starts with this number on the first record of the first project/shell.
  • Project/Shell Based: A new record numbering sequence begins for each new project/shell.

Sequence Format

The prefix and starting number that will be used for BP record numbers.

Use Base Commit's Record Number: This is for identifying workflow Change Commits (Line Items with CBS Code Cost BPs) at the project/shell level. For this type of change commit, you can use the base commit record number as part of the prefix of the change commit record number to identify the base commit associated with the change commit. It will also sequentially number the change commits so users can see how many change orders have been initiated for the base commit.

To specify this addition to the prefix number, you must include a separator, such as a period, and a starting number for the change commits. The maximum number of characters for the starting number is 8. For the total format, including the base commit's record number and the sequential numbers, the maximum number of characters is 20.

For example, a base commit record might be numbered PO-00123456. For a change commit record that refers to this base commit, the change commit record number could be PO-00123456, followed by a separator (such as - ) and a number for the change commit. The sequence format for change commits attached to this base commit could be numbered:




This numbering sequence will be frozen after it is used for a change commit in a project/shell. Any change to this numbering sequence will only affect change commits created in a new project/shell.

Business Process Log

There are two options:

  • Standard
  • Advanced

If standard, the option Standard is selected.

Record Creator

Options available are:

  • Do not allow to terminate record: Selecting this option will remove the default permission for the record creators, and it can be set in Access Control.
  • Allow to modify record: Selecting this option lets the creator of a workflow BP modify the record at any time, whether or not the creator is an assignee on the step. Additionally, the creator can modify the record while an assignee is working on the record.

Note: Updates made and saved by the creator are viewable at any time. The system lists all changes in the audit log.

  • Do not allow to transfer ownership of records: Selecting this option will remove the default permission for the record creators, and it can be set in Access Control.

Enable audit of record print

Deselected by default.

If selected, the user can view the audit log entries for print and discover the number of times that a record has been printed.

When you select this option, the following user actions on a record will create an audit entry:

  • Printing from BP record
  • Single & Bulk Printing from the BP log.
  • Single & Bulk Printing from the Tasks log

For bulk print, the number of entries seen in the audit log will be the same as the number of records that were printed by way of the bulk print action.

Mobile Application

Enable: To make this business process available for the native mobile apps, select this option. You can use the Mobile Log Views setup to configure customized log views. After selecting this option, the following options are available:

  • Allow camera as the only source for attachments and image fields: For BP record and BP line item attachments, this option is applicable only when "My Computer" is a source of attachments. When selected, the user will only be allowed to take pictures from the device camera and add them as attachments and images in the image picker fields.
  • Allow auto filling of the latitude and longitude upon record creation: If you want the mobile application to complete the latitude and longitude fields automatically during record creation, select this option.

Email Notifications

Replace attachments with links: Use this option when the BP record and the BP line item attachments are large in size. In order to reduce the load on email server and accommodate to maximum email size, the user receives the links to the attachments, in the email. The user must log in to view and download the attachments.


Use the Replace attachments with links option when the BP record, and line item, attachments are large in size. When selected, to reduce the load on email server and accommodate to maximum email size, the user receives the links to the attachments in email. The user must log into the system to view and download the attachments. The option is selected by default.

See the topic after this table for details about Email Notifications and Unifier Essentials users.

Document Publishing

Override DM Permissions: Select this option if you want to enable users to publish the attachments in a BP by overriding its Document Manager permissions.


Active enables the BP to be set up and used to create BP records.

Inactive prevents set up or use of the BP.

Email Notifications and Users

The following functionalities are applicable to the following users:

  1. For BPs that have the Replace attachments with links option enabled, the email notification will contain an organized list of attachment names (related to their origin) derived from the BP upper form, or the BP line item.
  2. The attachment name:
    • Contains an underlying unique link that enables the user to navigate through the system and access the corresponding attachments.
    • Shows the file size beneath the name.
  3. In the email notification the attachment names are listed in three columns, per row. The system will truncate any attachment name that exceeds the allocated width of the column (suffixed by ellipsis before the extension name so that extension name is evident to user). The user can hover over the attachment in order to see the full file name.
  4. The system displays the list of attachments after the email notification content.
  5. The View in Unifier option in the email notification contains a link that redirects the user to Unifier Essentials and opens the task or BP record. All email notifications have the View in Unifier option. The View in Unifier option redirects the user to Unifier Essentials, and after the user has signed in to the system will open the associated BP record. If the user has already signed in, clicking the View in Unifier option would open the associated BP record.
  6. The Download All Attachments option enables the user to download all the attachments together and at once. You can close the Your download is being prepared window and continue working. The download is triggered after it is prepared in the background. The delay is to accommodate the processing of the zip file. The zip file has the files organized; therefore, the root folder has all the record attachments, and each BP line item attachment is in separate folder with the folder name being the name of line item tab name.
    • If the user logs out before the download is initiated, then the download preparation is canceled.
    • If an attachment is deleted after the email notification has been sent, then the attachment will not be included in the zip file, if the name of the zip file is the same as the one that is attached to email notifications.
  7. The system will use the current permissions, and the BP configuration, for the signed in user.
    • If the permissions are changed after the email notification has been sent, then the user will not have the permission to download any attachments.
    • If the permissions are changed to 'download only a few files,' the "Download All Attachments" option will only include the files that the user has permissions to download.
    • If the permissions for the BP record are changed, then the system redirects the user to the landing page and does not open the BP record.
  8. If the user has set up a daily digest for the email notifications, then:
    • Email notifications from the BPs that have the Replace attachments with links option enabled will have attachment links.
    • Email notifications from the BPs that do not have the Replace attachments with links option enabled will not have attachment links and instead will contain the raw file as the attachment.
    • If the daily digest email size exceeds the limit, then the attachment links are retained while the raw files are replaced with a warning message.
  9. As a result of the BP setup at a project level or a shell level, and the user preferences:
    • For workflow BPs:
      • If the Include both record and line item attachments option (in the BP configuration) is enabled, then the option will be selected, before every notification-triggering event.
      • Every email notification that has been sent to the user based on the user's preferences will have the "Include both record and line item attachments" option (in the BP configuration) selected.
    • For non-workflow BPs:
      • If Include both record and line item attachments option (in the BP configuration) is enabled, then the option will be selected, before every notification-triggering event.
  10. After the user clicks on download and signs in to the system, the user will be redirected to the Downloading Email Attachment Landing Page. The landing page opens in a new tab when a session is active.

    Note: If you are not signed in to Unifier Essentials, the system will redirect you to the Unifier sign in page when you try to download an attachment.

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024