Create a Worksheet in a Shell Template

You can create a worksheet in the project/shell template Cost Manager by copying from a template or copying from a project/shell.

To create a worksheet from a template:

  1. Navigate to a shell template (Company Workspace > Admin mode > Templates > Shells > [Shell Template] > Cost Manager > Cost Sheet).
  2. Click Create > Worksheet > From Template. This option will let you create a worksheet by copying one from a company level template.
  3. Select a worksheet template and click Save.

To create a worksheet from another project/shell:

  1. Navigate to a shell template (Company Workspace > Admin mode > Templates > Shells > [Shell Template] > Cost Manager > Cost Sheet).
  2. Click Create > Worksheet > From Projects. The Copy from Projects or Shells window opens. This window will list worksheets from all projects/shells.
  3. Select any Cost Sheet and click the Save button to create a Cost Sheet.

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024