Setting Up the Funding Manager

The Funding Manager helps you to keep track of where project or shell funding comes from and how it is being spent. The Funding Manager is available in the Company Workspace and project shells. Use the Project Funding sheet to specify the appropriation and assignment of funds from each funding source. You can automate fund appropriation and assignment when used with cost business processes.

Company Funding Sheet vs. Project or Shell Funding Sheets

The first step to setting up funding is to create and set up a company funding sheet, where individual funding sources are maintained.

For example, a corporation's funding sources may include different types of corporate accounts. For municipal or educational facilities, funds may come from bond measures, grants, donations or other sources. All these funding sources will be listed and tracked on the company funding sheet. As funds are consumed via business processes or manually in individual projects/shells, this data is rolled up to the company funding sheet.

Project/shell funding sheets track how your company's funding is being spent on each project/shell. It tracks individual transactions, which are rolled up to the company funding sheet. All project/shell funding sheets must be created based on a funding template.

In This Section

How to set up the Funding Manager

Creating a Company Funding Sheet

Creating a Project or Shell Funding Sheet Template

Creating a Project/Shell Funding Sheet

Defining Fund Assignment Options for Project/Shell Funding

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024