Add Rows to the Funding Template

These procedures are applicable to funding sheet templates, funding sheets, and funding sheets created in project/shell templates.

Each row of a project/shell funding sheet represents an individual source of funds. The funds added here are funds that are active under the company funding sheet.

Note: After fund assignments have been made against them, you will not be able to edit project/shell funding sheet rows. To view the status of a fund, click the Fund Status option in the Menu Options.

To add rows (funds) to the funding template:

  1. Open the funding sheet or template.
  2. Click Rows, and then click Add Row. The Fund Detail window opens. If you have imported a Fund Attribute form, a customized Fund Detail window will open.
  3. Select a fund from the fund picker (or Fund Code field).

    You can search for a specific fund in the fund picker by clicking the Find button and opening the Find form. Enter search criteria and click Search. This limits the number of funds that are displayed to those that match the search criteria.

  4. You can search for a specific fund in the fund picker:
    1. Click the Find button. The Find window opens. The window that opens will depend on the design.
      • If an attribute form is not defined, the default Find window lets you search by Fund Code or Fund Name.
      • If an attribute form is defined, the Find window can also be designed, and you may have additional fields to search by.
    2. Enter search criteria and click Search. This limits the number of funds that are displayed to those that match the search criteria.
  5. Click OK. The fund appears as a row on the Funding Sheet. Funds are displayed in alphabetical order on funding sheet.
  6. To view fund details, click a fund under fund code column. If you import a Fund Attribute form then you will see customized detail form instead of a generic fund detail form.

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024