Creating a UDR Template

These procedures are applicable for UDR templates or for manually creating a UDR in User mode.

To create a UDR template:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, click one of the following:
    • Templates > Reports
    • Templates > Shells > [shell type] > [shell template] > Reports > User-Defined
  3. Click the New button, and select System Data Sources or Permission Based Data Sources.

    The Create a new report window opens.

  4. Fill in the fields using the information in the table below.
  5. Click OK. The Edit Report window opens. This window has multiple tabs for defining the report layout and content. The actual tabs that display will depend on the type of report you are creating. These tabs are:
    • General tab: In this tab, you enter the report name, the title that displays on the report at runtime, and define general settings, such as enabling it for integration, and setting a default time zone to use where time stamps appear on the report.
    • Data Elements tab: Lets you specify the data elements on which to report, and which will appear as columns on the report at runtime. The Data Elements tab differs with each report type. In addition, the data elements that are available to be added to the report depend on the data type chosen during report creation. The data elements can include business process fields, columns in cost, funding, SOV, and schedule sheets, and project data such as project name, status, user name, and so on.
    • Query tab: Defines query parameters to input at report runtime.
    • Layout tab: Lets you customize the layout and presentation of the report. If you do not define layout parameters, a default layout will be used. The Layout tab differs with each report type.
    • Projects/ Shells tab: This tab appears only in program-level and company-level reports. It displays which projects/shells will be included in the report.
    • Shells tab: This tab appears only in shell-level reports. It displays which shells can be included in the report.
    • Permission tab: Enables the report owner to grant permission to other users to run or edit the report. This tab is available only in User mode and not in the report template.
    • Schedule tab: Lets the report owner schedule and configure automatic report generation and optionally save or email the results.
  6. Complete the tabs in the Edit Report window as described in the following sections, and click OK.

In this field:

Do this:

Data Type

Select from the list. The Data Type list includes all available business processes (for example, base contracts), pre-defined data types (for example, project users), modules (for example, Document Manager), data views in Published status (listed in alpha order, project/shell level requires project_id in query), and may also include custom data types.

Note: If you are creating a permission-based template, the Data Type list includes all the permission-aware data sources that might be visible to the user, depending on the user's access permissions.


If you chose a business process or a BP-driven feature (such as funding, schedule of values, project information) as the data type, the Element drop-down list becomes available. Select one of the following options as available for your data type choice:

  • All Fields: Makes all fields on the BP available for the report.
  • General (Header) Fields: Only the BP header fields will be available, which provides a less detailed report.
  • Custom Defined: This is automatically selected for customized BPs and related functions. This enables all the custom data element fields on the BPs to be available for the report.



Report Type

Choose a report type.

Access Type

(Read-only) Depending on which option you selected, this field displays either System or Permission Based.

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024