Shells Tab (Shell-level Reports, All Types)

This tab appears only in shell-level reports, and displays which shells will be included in the report.

This button or option:

Does this:


The options in this field are:

  • Current Shell and sub-shells
  • Current Shell Only
  • Subshells Only
  • User-Defined

The User-Defined option lets you choose from among the shells in which you are a member.

Exclude Inactive Shells

Lets you exclude shells with the status Inactive. This is checked by default.


When you click Add, the Select shell window opens. Select the shells and click the Add button. This button is available only if you have selected the User-Defined option in the Shells field.


Select a shell and click Remove to remove it from the report. This button is available only if you have selected the User-Defined option in the Shells field.

Allow users to modify User-defined list during execution

This check box is enabled if User-Defined is chosen. When this check box is selected, users will be able to change which shells from the available list to include in the generated report at runtime.

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024