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User Data Repository Alarms, KPIs, and Measurements
Release 12.4
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ESPR Measurements

Table 5-3 ESPR Measurements

Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
EvAeConvertToProvSubFailed Total number of failed attempts to convert an auto-enrolled subscriber to a provisioned subscriber 5 minutes
EvAeProvCreateSubFailed Total number of failed attempts to create an auto-enrolled subscriber via the provisioning interface 5 minutes
EvAeShCreateSubFailed Total number of failed attempts to create an auto-enrolled subscriber via the Sh interface 5 minutes
EvAeShDeleteSubFailed Total number of failed attempts to delete an auto-enrolled subscriber via the Sh interface 5 minutes
RxAeConvertToProvSubSuccess Total number of auto-enrolled subscribers converted to provisioned subscribers 5 minutes
RxAeProvCreateMsgs Total number of requests received via the provisioning interface where the subscriber was unknown and auto-enrollment was triggered to create the subscriber 5 minutes
RxAeProvCreateSubSuccess Total number of auto-enrolled subscribers created via the provisioning interface 5 minutes
RxAeShCreateSubSuccess Total number of auto-enrolled subscribers created via the Sh interface 5 minutes
RxAeShDeleteSubMsgs Total number of unsubscribe requests received via the Sh interface that triggered the removal of an auto-enrolled subscriber 5 minutes
RxAeShDeleteSubSuccess Total number of auto-enrolled subscribers deleted via the Sh Interface 5 minutes
RxAeShPurCreateMsgs Total number of update requests received via the Sh interface where the subscriber was unknown and auto-enrollment was triggered to create the subscriber 5 minutes
RxAeShSnrCreateMsgs Total number of subscribe requests received via the Sh interface where the subscriber was unknown and auto-enrollment was triggered to create the subscriber 5 minutes
RxAeSnrCreateSubSuccess Total number of auto-enrolled subscribers successfully created via the Sh interface 5 minutes
RxUdrBePnNonPooledEntity Total number of update requests that generated notification(s) for non-pooled entity(s) 5 minutes
RxUdrBePnPooledEntity Total number of update requests that generated notifications(s) for pooled entity(s) 5 minutes
RxUdrBeReadMsgs Total number of read requests received 5 minutes
RxUdrBeUpdateMsgs Total number of update requests received 5 minutes
RxUdrNmNotifAck Total number of notification delivery responses received 5 minutes
RxUdrNmNotifAckAsAvailable Total number of notifications successfully sent to the AS (the AS received the notification) 5 minutes
RxUdrNmNotifAckAsUnavailable Total number of notifications that failed to be sent to the AS (the AS did not receive the notification) 5 minutes
RxUdrNmNotifAckLateResponse Total number of notification delivery responses received after the delivery timeout period expired 5 minutes
RxUdrNmNotifAckNotSubscribed Total number of notification delivery responses received that indicated the AS was not subscribed to the subscriber 5 minutes
RxUdrNmNotifAckTimeout Total number of notification delivery requests sent where a response was not received within the configured timeout interval 5 minutes
RxUdrSmSubscribeMsgs Total number of subscribe requests received 5 minutes
RxUdrSmSubscribeSnoFull Total number of times when adding a new subscription that the subscription (SNO) record for the subscriber exceeded the maximum number of allowed subscriptions and caused a subscription(s) to be removed 5 minutes
RxUdrSmUnsubscribeMsgs Total number of unsubscribe requests received 5 minutes
RxUdrSmUnsubscribeNsNotFound Total number of unsubscribe requests where the subscriber exists but the desired notification subscription does not exist 5 minutes
SQRQuotaRowElementsReset Total number of Quota Row Elements got reset or the value of the nextResetTime element has been updated. (Pools+Subscribers) 5 minutes
SQRRecordsExamined Total number of Records scanned by the Quota Reset Tasks (Pools+Subscribers) 5 minutes
SQRRecordsFailed Total number of Records on which Quota Resets or nextResetTime update has Failed (Pools+Subscribers) 5 minutes
SQRRecordsReset Total number of Records in which Quota Entities have been reset or the value of the nextResetTime Row Field Element has been updated. (Pools+Subscribers) 5 minutes
TxUdrBeReadReqFailed Total number of failed read requests 5 minutes
TxUdrBeReadReqSuccess Total number of successful read requests 5 minutes
TxUdrBeReadTooMuchData Total number of read requests could not be processed because user data size exceeds maximum size 5 minutes
TxUdrBeReadUnkSubscriber Total number of read requests received where the subscriber was unknown 5 minutes
TxUdrBeUpdateInvalidEntity Total number of update requests received where an unknown entity was encountered 5 minutes
TxUdrBeUpdateNotPoolMember Total number of update requests received where a pooled entity was being updated, but the subscriber was not a member of a pool 5 minutes
TxUdrBeUpdateOutOfSync Total number of update requests received where the incorrect sequence number to perform was supplied 5 minutes
TxUdrBeUpdateReqFailed Total number of failed update requests 5 minutes
TxUdrBeUpdateReqSuccess Total number of successful update requests 5 minutes
TxUdrBeUpdateTooBusy Total number of update requests which could not be processed because of congestion 5 minutes
TxUdrBeUpdateUnkSubscriber Total number of update requests received where the subscriber was unknown 5 minutes
TxUdrNmNotifComAgentError Total number of notification delivery requests sent that resulted in a ComAgent delivery failure of the notification delivery request 5 minutes
TxUdrNmNotifDeletedTableFull Total number of notifications that were deleted because the maximum configured number of outstanding notifications allowed had been exceeded 5 minutes
TxUdrNmNotifExceededMaxDel Total number of notifications that exceeded the maximum configured number of delivery attempts allowed 5 minutes
TxUdrNmNotifExceededMaxTtl Total number of notifications that exceeded the maximum configured time to live 5 minutes
TxUdrNmNotifNoValidEntity Total number of notifications to be sent that did not consist of any valid entities 5 minutes
TxUdrNmNotifSent Total number of notification delivery requests sent 5 minutes
TxUdrNmNotifTooMuchData Total number of unsubscribe requests which could not be processed because UserData size exceeds maximum size  
TxUdrSmSubscribeReqFailed Total number of failed subscribe requests 5 minutes
TxUdrSmSubscribeReqSuccess Total number of successful subscribe requests 5 minutes
TxUdrSmSubscribeTooMuchData Total number of subscribe requests which could not be processed because UserData size exceeds maximum size  
TxUdrSmSubscribeUnkSubscriber Total number of subscribe requests received where the subscriber was unknown and was not added via auto-enrollment 5 minutes
TxUdrSmUnsubscribeReqFailed Total number of failed unsubscribe requests 5 minutes
TxUdrSmUnsubscribeReqSuccess Total number of successful unsubscribe requests 5 minutes
TxUdrSmUnsubscribeTooMuchData Total number of notifications to be sent for which user data size exceeds maximum size 5 minutes
TxUdrSmUnsubscribeUnkSubscriber Total number of unsubscribe requests received where the subscriber was unknown 5 minutes