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User Data Repository Alarms, KPIs, and Measurements
Release 12.4
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Pool Spanning Measurements

Table 5-4 Pool Spanning Measurements

Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
PSO Inter-NO Traffic measurements (Remote Pool Member Host Read Request)
TxUdrBePsoReadMsgs Total number of PSO read requests sent due to a read request. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoReadSuccess Total number of PSO read responses received indicating success. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoReadUnkPool Total number of PSO read responses received where the pool did not exist. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoReadFailed Total number of PSO read responses received that failed. 5 min
PSO Inter-NO Traffic measurements (Remote Pool Member Host Subscribe with Read Request)
TxUdrSmPsoReadMsgs Total number of PSO read requests sent due to a subscribe request. 5 min
RxUdrSmPsoReadSuccess Total number of PSO read responses received due to a subscribe request indicating success. 5 min
RxUdrSmPsoReadUnkPool Total number of PSO read responses received due to a subscribe request where the pool did not exist. 5 min
RxUdrSmPsoReadFailed Total number of PSO read responses received due to a subscribe request that failed. 5 min
PSO Inter-NO Traffic measurements (Remote Pool Host Read Request)
RxUdrBePsoReadMsgs Total number of PSO read requests received. 5 min
TxUdrBePsoReadSuccess Total number of PSO read requests processed. 5 min
TxUdrBePsoReadUnkPool Total number of PSO read requests that could not be processed because the pool did not exist. 5 min
TxUdrBePsoReadFailed Total number of PSO read responses processed that failed. 5 min
PSO Inter-NO Traffic measurements (Remote Pool Member Host Update Request)
TxUdrBePsoUpdateMsgs Total number of PSO update requests sent. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoUpdateSuccess Total number of PSO update responses received. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoUpdateUnkPool Total number of PSO update responses received where the pool did not exist. 5 min
PSO Inter-NO Traffic measurements (Remote Pool Member Host Update Request)
RxUdrBePsoUpdateOutOfSync Total number of PSO update responses received where the incorrect sequence number was supplied. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoUpdateInvalidEntity Total number of PSO update responses received where an unknown entity was encountered. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoUpdateTooBusy Total number of PSO update responses received where the request could not be processed because of congestion. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoUpdateFailed Total number of PSO update responses received that failed. 5 min
PSO Inter-NO Traffic measurements (Remote Pool Host Update Request)
RxUdrBePsoUpdateMsgs Total number of PSO update requests received. 5 min
TxUdrBePsoUpdateSuccess Total number of PSO update responses sent. 5 min
TxUdrBePsoUpdateUnkPool Total number of PSO update messages that could not be processed because the pool did not exist. 5 min
TxUdrBePsoUpdateOutOfSync Total number of PSO update messages where the incorrect sequence number was supplied. 5 min
TxUdrBePsoUpdateInvalidEntity Total number of PSO update messages where an unknown entity was encountered. 5 min
TxUdrBePsoUpdateTooBusy Total number of PSO update messages where the request could not be processed because of congestion. 5 min
TxUdrBePsoUpdateFailed Total number of PSO update messages processed that failed. 5 min
PSO Inter-NO Traffic measurements (Remote Pool Host Notify Processing)
TxUdrBePsoNotifyMsgs Total number of PSO notify messages sent. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoNotifySuccess Total number of PSO notify response messages received. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoNotifyNoMembers Total number of PSO notify response messages received where no local members were found in the pool. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoNotifyPoolNotExist Total number of PSO notify response messages received where the pool did not exist. 5 min
PSO Inter-NO Traffic measurements (Remote Pool Member Host Notify Processing)
RxUdrBePsoNotifyMsgs Total number of PSO notify messages received. 5 min
TxUdrBePsoNotifySuccess Total number of PSO notify response messages sent. 5 min
TxUdrBePsoNotifyNoMembers Total number of PSO notify response messages sent where no local members were found in the pool. 5 min
TxUdrBePsoNotifyPoolNotExist Total number of PSO notify response messages sent where the pool did not exist. 5 min
PSO Inter-NO Traffic measurements (Get PSO Pool Membership Processing)
RxUdrBePsoGetMembersMsgs Total number of PSO get members requests received. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoGetMembersSuccess Total number of PSO get members responses received indicating success. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoGetMembersFailed Total number of PSO get members responses received that failed. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoGetMembersUnkPool Total number of PSO get members responses received where the pool did not exist. 5 min
TxUdrBePsoGetMembersMsgs Total number of PSO get members messages sent due to a provisioning GetAllPoolMembers request. 5 min
TxUdrBePsoGetMembersSuccess Total number of PSO get members responses processed. 5 min
TxUdrBePsoGetMembersUnkPool Total number of PSO get members requests that could not be processed because the pool did not exist. 5 min
PSO Inter-NO Traffic measurements (Exception Measurements)
RxUdrBePsoReadTimeOut Total number of PSO read requests that timed out. 5 min
RxUdrSmPsoReadTimeOut Total number of PSO read requests due to a subscribe request that timed out. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoUpdateTimeOut Total number of PSO update requests that timed out. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoNotifyTimeOut Total number of PSO notify messages that timed out. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoGetMembersTimeOut Total number of PSO get members requests sent for which a timely response was not received. 5 min
Failures of update, read and subscribe requests due to the PSO request failing
TxUdrBeUpdateReqPsoFailed Total number of update requests where the PSO update request failed. 5 min
TxUdrBeReadReqPsoFailed Total number of read requests where the PSO read request failed. 5 min
TxUdrSmSubscribeReqPsoFailed Total number of subscribe requests where the PSO read request failed. 5 min
TxUdrBePsoGetMembersFailed Total number of PSO get members responses processed that failed. 5 min
PSO Summary Measurements (for KPIs)
TxUdrBePsoRequest Total number of PSO events sent. 5 min
RxUdrBePsoRequest Total number of PSO events received. 5 min
PSO Request Latency
UdrBePsoTransTimeMax Maximum PSO transaction life-time in milliseconds. 5 min
UdrBePsoTransTimeAvg Average PSO transaction life-time in milliseconds. 5 min