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User Data Repository Alarms, KPIs, and Measurements
Release 12.4
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OAM.SYSTEM measurements

Table 5-2 OAM System Measurements

Measurement Tag Description Collection Interval
System.CPU_UtilPct_Average The average CPU usage from 0 to 100% (100% indicates that all cores are completely busy). 5 minutes
System.CPU_UtilPct_Peak The peak CPU usage from 0 to 100% (100% indicates that all cores are completely busy). 5 minutes
System.Disk_UtilPct_Average The average disk usage for the partition on which the COMCOL database resides. 5 minutes
System.Disk_UtilPct_Peak The peak disk usage for the partition on which the COMCOL database resides. 5 minutes
System.RAM_UtilPct_Average The average committed RAM usage as a percentage of the total physical RAM. This measurement is based on the Committed_AS measurement from Linux/proc/meminfo. This measurement can exceed 100% if the kernel has committed more resources than provided by physical RAM, in which case, swapping will occur. 5 minutes
System.RAM_UtilPct_Peak The peak committed RAM usage as a percentage of the total physical RAM. This measurement is based on the Committed_AS measurement from Linux/proc/meminfo. This measurement can exceed 100% if the kernel has committed more resources than provided by physical RAM, in which case, swapping will occur. 5 minutes
System.ShMem_UtilPct_Average The average shared memory usage as a percentage of the limit configured by shl.set. 5 minutes
System.ShMem_UtilPct_Peak The peak shared memory usage as a percentage of the limit configured by shl.set. 5 minutes
System.SwapIn_Rate_Average The average number of memory pages swapped in to memory from disk per second. 5 minutes
System.SwapIn_Rate_Peak The peak number of memory pages swapped in to memory from disk per second. 5 minutes
System.SwapOut_Rate_Average The average number of memory pages swapped out of memory from disk per second. 5 minutes
System.SwapOut_Rate_Peak The peak number of memory pages swapped out of memory from disk per second. 5 minutes
System.Swap_UtilPct_Average The average usage of swap space as a percentage of the total configured swap space. 5 minutes
System.Swap_UtilPct_Peak The peak usage of swap space as a percentage of the total configured swap space. 5 minutes
System.CPU_CoreUtilPct_Average The average CPU usage for each core. On an eight-core system, there will be eight sub-metrics showing the utilization of each core. 5 minutes
System.CPU_CoreUtilPct_Peak The peak CPU usage for each core. On an eight-core system, there will be eight sub-metrics showing the utilization of each core. 5 minutes