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Oracle® Communications UDR Feature Configuration Guide
Release 12.4
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Configuring Ud Remote Server

You can configure the connection details to the Ud Server that User Data Repository uses using the Ud Remote Server Configuration window. The window allows up to three different connection end-point LDAP/SOAP pairs each for the remote Ud Server.


When the Ud Client feature is enabled, only the Primary Connection must be configured.

Important: If the remote Ud Server does not support SOAP, and User Data Repository is configured to not enable the SOAP Interface, then you need not configure SOAP connections.

Table 9 describes the fields in the UD Remote Server window.

Field Description
Ud Remote Server Name

Name of the Ud Remote Server.

By default, the value is n/a. The valid range is a 64-character string.

Primary Connection

Primary connection to LDAP and SOAP Server.

Host is IPv4 address. By default, the field is n/a.

Port is an integer. By default it is 389, for SOAP it is 8080

URI Path for SOAP server. Path is string and is optional.

Connection Type to Ud Server is over LAN or WAN. The default is WAN.

Select the required value from the list.

Secondary Connection Secondary connection to LDAP and SOAP Server.
Tertiary Connection Tertiary connection to LDAP and SOAP Server.
LDAP Authentication Type

LDAP Authentication DN to be used. Enabled only if you have selected LDAP Authentication Type as Unauthenticated or Authenticated.

By default, the value is n/a. The valid range is a 512 character string.

LDAP Authentication Password

LDAP Authentication Password used in a bind. Enabled only if you have selected LDAP Authentication Type as Authenticated.

By default, the value is n/a. The valid range is a 64 character string.

SOAP Front End ID

Value of frontEndID for the UDR sent in SOAP Subscribe request

By default, the value is n/a. The valid range is a 64 character string.

SOAP Service Name

(Optional) Indicates the value of serviceName for the UDR sent in SOAP Subscribe request.

By default, the value is n/a. The valid range is a 64-character string.

Number of Connections

Indicates the number of connections to create to LDAP and SOAP servers.

By default, eight servers are connected.

The maximum servers that can be connected are 100.

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