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User Data Repository UDR
Release 12.4
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Database Auditor

The Database Auditor page is used for auditing subscriber/pool databases for inconsistent records, and for cleaning (i.e., removing) these inconsistent records from the database.

From the Database Auditor page, you can perform the following functions:

  • view log files from previously run audit and clean processes
  • identify (or audit) and report database index inconsistencies
  • delete (or clean) inconsistent subscribers/pools and all associated records from the database
  • generate a database inconsistency log file
  • abort an audit or clean process

An audit determines whether any corruption has occurred in the embedded index values associated with each subscriber. This can occur when references pointing to different parts of a subscriber or pool are left in an incorrect state, pointing to the wrong subscriber or pool records. This issue can cause a variety of system errors, including failure to access a subscriber/pool, failure to provision a subscriber/pool, failure to delete a subscriber/pool, and accessing data for the wrong subscriber. The audit process can be run regularly during a maintenance window (low traffic) or on-demand, when a complaint is received from a subscriber. An audit log file is created during the audit process and produces a list of all database inconsistencies.

The clean process removes inconsistent subscribers and pools from the database (including all associated records), bringing the database back to a consistent state. Once removed, you can then re-provision the deleted subscribers and pools. A clean log file is generated during this process. If no records are deleted, no subscriber or pool information will be listed in the log file.

An audit or clean process can be aborted, changing the process state from In Progress to Aborted in the State Table. The audit or clean process can be restarted by entering the related log filename in the appropriate section of the page and clicking the Audit or Clean button, respectively.

When UDRBE is in congestion, the abort/clean log file State in the State Table changes from In Progress to Paused. When the congestion clears, the paused process will automatically change back to the state of In Progress. When the audit/clean process fails, the process state changes to Failed. Alarm 13368 is raised when the process fails, and the error is mentioned in the log files.