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User Data Repository UDR
Release 12.4
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Ud Remote Server Configuration Elements

This table describes the fields on the Ud Remote Server Configuration page.

Table 4-15 Ud Remote Server Configuration Elements

Element Description Data Input Notes
Ud Remote Server Name Name of the Ud server that contains the LDAP database. This field is required.

Format: Alphanumeric string

Range: 1-32 characters

Default: Blank

Primary Connection

Primary configured endpoints for the LDAP and SOAP servers. Only the Primary Connection fields are required when the Ud client feature is enabled, Secondary Connection and Tertiary Connection are optional.

Host: Address (in IPv4 format) of the SOAP/ LDAP primary connection.

Format: IPv4 address format - dotted decimal

Range: Standard IPv4 address format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Default: Blank

Port: Port number used to connect to the SOAP/LDAP primary connection.

Format: Integer

Range: 0-65535

LDAP Default: 389, SOAP Default: 8080

Path: Universal resource identifier (URI) path for SOAP primary connection. This field is optional.

Format: String

Range: Characters valid for HTTP path string

Default: Blank

Type: Network connection type to the LDAP/SOAP primary connection can be either WAN or LAN. To change the network response wait time for a WAN or LAN, access the Network LAN Timeout/ Network WAN Timeout field on the UDR > Configuration > Ud Client > Ud Client Options page.

Format: Dropdown menu

Range: WAN, LAN

Default: WAN

Secondary Connection Secondary configured endpoints for the LDAP and SOAP servers; only becomes enabled if all mandatory fields for a Primary Connection have been entered.
Host: Address (in IPv4 format) of the SOAP/LDAP secondary connection.

Format: IPv4 address format - dotted decimal

Range: Standard IPv4 address format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Default: Blank

Port: Port number used to connect to the SOAP/LDAP secondary connection.

Format: Integer

Range: 0-65535

LDAP Default: 389, SOAP Default: 8080

Path: Universal resource identifier (URI) path for SOAP secondary connection. This field is optional.

Format: String

Range: Characters valid for HTTP path string

Default: Blank

Type: Network connection type to the LDAP/SOAP secondary connection can be either WAN or LAN. To change the network response wait time for a WAN or LAN, access the Network LAN Timeout/ Network WAN Timeout field on the UDR > Configuration > Ud Client > Ud Client Options page.

Format: Dropdown menu

Range: WAN, LAN

Default: WAN

Tertiary Connection Tertiary configured endpoints for the LDAP and SOAP servers; only becomes enabled if all mandatory fields for a Secondary Connection have been entered.
Host: Address (in IPv4 format) of the SOAP/LDAP tertiary connection.

Format: IPv4 address format - dotted decimal

Range: Standard IPv4 address format xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Default: Blank

Port: Port number used to connect to the SOAP/LDAP tertiary connection.

Format: Integer

Range: 0-65535

LDAP Default: 389, SOAP Default: 8080

Path: Universal resource identifier (URI) path for SOAP tertiary connection. This field is optional.

Format: String

Range: Characters valid for HTTP path string

Default: Blank

Type: Network connection type to the LDAP/SOAP tertiary connection can be either WAN or LAN. To change the network response wait time for a WAN or LAN, access the Network LAN Timeout/ Network WAN Timeout field on the UDR > Configuration > Ud Client > Ud Client Options page.

Format: Dropdown menu

Range: WAN, LAN

Default: WAN

LDAP Authentication Type Process used to confirm the identity of clients requesting access to the server. Anonymous does not require a username or a password; Unauthenticated requires a valid username but no password; Authenticated requires both a valid username and password to access the server.

Format: Dropdown menu

Range: Anonymous, Unauthenticated, Authenticated

Default: Anonymous

LDAP Authentication DN SOAP server's distinguished name (DN), used for identification purposes when attempting to bind to the LDAP server. This field is only accessible when LDAP Authentication Type is set to Unauthenticated or Authenticated.

Format: String

Range: 1-512 characters

Default: Blank

LDAP Authentication Password SOAP server's password, used for identification purposes when attempting to bind to the LDAP server. This field is only accessible when LDAP Authentication Type is set to Authenticated.

Format: String

Range: 1-64 characters

Default: Blank

SOAP Front End ID Value in the SOAP subscribe request (frontEndID) that identifies the UDR to the Ud server. If Ud SOAP Interface Enabled is unchecked on the Ud Client Options page then this field is not needed.

Format: String

Range: 1-64 characters

Default: Blank

SOAP Service Name Value in the SOAP subscribe request (serviceName) that identifies the UDR application sending the request to the Ud server. The serviceName is copied from the subscribed request or is pre-configured in the Ud server. This field is optional. If Ud SOAP Interface Enabled is unchecked on the Ud Client Options page then this field is not needed.

Format: String

Range: 1-64 characters

Default: Blank

Number of Connections Number of LDAP and SOAP connections to create between UDR and the Ud server. These fields are required.

Format: Integer

Range: 1-100

Default: 8