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User Data Repository UDR
Release 12.4
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Auto Enrollment Options Elements

This table describes the fields on the Auto Enrollment Options page.

Table 4-8 Auto Enrollment Options Elements

Element Description Data Input Notes
Auto Enrollment on Provisioning Enabled Whether or not provisioning requests can trigger auto-enrollment when the user identity is not found.

Format: Check box

Range: Checked, Unchecked

Default: Unchecked

Auto Enrollment on PUR Enabled Whether or not PUR requests can trigger auto-enrollment when the user identity is not found.

Format: Check box

Range: Checked, Unchecked

Default: Unchecked

Auto Enrollment on SNR Enabled Whether or not SNR requests can trigger auto-enrollment when the user identity is not found.

Format: Check box

Range: Checked, Unchecked

Default: Unchecked

Auto Enrollment Cleanup on SNR Enabled Whether or not to automatically delete an auto-enrolled subscriber after receiving an SNR (unsubscribe) for the last active subscription for the subscriber.

Format: Check box

Range: Checked, Unchecked

Default: Checked

Auto Enrollment Cleanup Inactive Subscriber Enabled Whether or not to automatically delete an auto-enrolled subscriber after a subscription is inactive for a period that exceeds the inactivity timeout.

Format: Check box

Range: Checked, Unchecked

Default: Checked

Auto Enrollment Inactivity Timeout The duration, in days, of a lack of entity updates that causes an auto-enrolled subscriber to become eligible for cleanup.

Format: Numeric

Range: 0-90 days

Default: 90