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User Data Repository UDR
Release 12.4
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Export Schedule elements

The Export Schedule page describes elements on the Export Schedule page.

Table 6-7 Export Schedule elements

Field Description Data Notes
Identifier Name of export file

Format: String - valid characters are alphanumeric and underscore; must contain at least one alphabetic or numeric character, and cannot start with a number

Range: 4-12 characters

Default: Blank

Subscriber ID Type of Subscriber ID based on which subscriber records are exported; appears only on Insert and Edit pages.

Format: Pulldown menu


Default: MSISDN

Date The initial date on which this export should run; appears only on Insert and Edit pages.

Format: Pulldown menu

Range: All months, all days of the month, and the current year and current year + 1

Default: The current date

Time The initial time at which this export should run; appears only on Insert and Edit pages. Time is specified using the time zone configured for your login.

Format: Pulldown menu

Range: All hours and minutes in the day

Default: The current time (plus 5 minutes)

First Export The first time this export is scheduled to run; appears only on View page.

Format: String

Range: 4-12 characters

Default: Blank

Next Export The next time this export is scheduled to run; appears only on View page.

Format: Integer

Range: 4-12 characters

Default: Blank

Start Range Start of range of data to be included in this export

Format: Integer

Range: 8-15 digits

Default: Blank

End Range End of range of data to be included in this export; this field is optional. Note: A maximum of 1 million subscribers will be exported, irrespective of the End Range value.

Format: Integer

Range: 8-15 digits

Default: Blank

Repeat How often to repeat the export.

Format: Radio button

Range: None, Daily, Weekly, Monthly

Default: None

Comment Purpose of export; this field is optional.

Format: String

Range: 0-255 characters

Default: Blank