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User Data Repository UDR
Release 12.4
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Viewing Subscribing Client Status

Use the Subscribing Client Status page to view the status of all clients for this system.

  1. Select UDR > Maintenance > Subscribing Client Status.

    The Subscribing Client Status page appears. All client hosts are displayed in tabular form. The display fields are described in Subscribing Client Status elements.

  2. Select the category by which to perform the filtering.

    Table 6-12 Subscribing Client Status filtering categories

    Category Description
    Client Host Name of client host
    Status Status of client - Up, Down
    Fail Count Number of fail count
  3. Choose the filtering operator.

    Table 6-13 Export Status filtering operators

    Subscribing Client Operator Description
    = Is equal to
    >= Is equal to or greater than
    <= Is equal to or less than
    Like Is Like (wildcard is * character)
  4. Enter the target character string to filter on in the text box.
  5. Click Go to show results.
Subscribing clients that match the filtering criteria are listed on the page, and the highlighted text RESULTS FILTERED is displayed at the bottom of the results.


To change the order of the records in a column (from descending to ascending or vice versa), click the header of the column.