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User Data Repository UDR
Release 12.4
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Viewing Ud Client Connection Status

Ud client connection statuses can be monitored from the Ud Client Connection Status page. The table displays the connection ID (system-generated), the Ud remote server name, IP address, and port, the connection's status, and the administrative state of the connection. Note that when the Ud client feature is disabled, the SOAP and LDAP connection statuses display as Disabled, 0 connections appear for SOAP and LDAP connections, and the Disable and Enable buttons are grayed out (disabled).

Note that you must have permission to view this page. Permission groups are defined on the Main Menu > Administration > Access Control > Groups page.

To view the status of connections:

  1. Select UDR > Maintenance > Ud Client > Connection Status.
The Ud Client Connection Status page appears. All exports are displayed in tabular form. The display fields are described in Ud Client Connection Status elements.