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User Data Repository UDR
Release 12.4
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Viewing Export Status

The Export Status page shows the status of all in-progress and completed scheduled exports for this system.
  • If the filename in the Export File column exceeds 24 characters, it is truncated at 22 characters and the characters “...” are appended to the end of the truncated string to signify that the filename was truncated.
  • The filenames in the Export File column are hyperlinks. You can click on the links to view the files as text or to save them locally.
  • You can not modify or delete an export record using this form.
  • Records are automatically removed after 7 days.
  1. Select UDR > Maintenance > Export Status.

    The Export Status page appears. All exports are displayed in tabular form. The display fields are described in Export Status elements.

  2. Select the category on which to perform the filtering.

    Table 6-10 Export Status filtering categories

    Category Description
    Export File Name of export file
    Status Status of export
    Comment Descriptive text about export


    The filtering operator of = or Like appears, depending on the filter category selected; the operator that appears is the only option available and cannot be changed.
  3. Enter the target character string to filter on in the text box.
  4. Use Time Range fields to select the time interval to display:
    • Enter the amount of time for which export schedules are to be displayed -- enter a numeric value in the first field and specify the type of time interval in the second field (Days, Hours, Minutes, or Seconds).
    • Specify either Beginning or Ending to indicate whether the date and time listed specifies the beginning or the end of the time range.
    • Enter the date and time for the time range to begin/end (Year, Month, Date, Hour, Minute).
  5. Click Go to show results.
Any exports that occurred during the specified time range display are listed on the page, and the highlighted text RESULTS FILTERED is displayed at the bottom of the results.


To change the order of the records in the table, click the header on which you want to sort. Records will be reordered in descending order (or vice versa when clicked again).