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User Data Repository UDR
Release 12.4
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Ud Client Key Details Elements

This table describes the fields on the Ud Client Key Details page.

Table 4-16 Ud Client Key Details Elements

Element Description Data Input Notes
Profile Field Name Subscriber/pool identifier from the Sh request to be used in matching the subscriber/pool record in the LDAP database. The first Profile Field Name field is required. The LDAP search occurs in the order in which the Profile Field Names are entered on this page.

Format: Dropdown menu


Default: Blank

Ud Attribute Name

The attribute name in the LDAP database that you are mapping the Profile Field Name to; used as the subscriber/pool key to search subscriber/pool records. The related attribute value is returned as the subscriber/pool profile key value in an LDAP search. The Ud Attribute Name is prepended onto the value in Base DN to form the DN when a filter is not defined.

Format: String

Range: 1- 64 characters

Default: Blank

Base DN Base distinguished name (DN) defines where to search in the LDAP database for subscriber/pool data. . The first Base DN field is required.

Use LDAP distinguished name format. For example:

ou=communications, o=oracle, c=us
Each attribute-value is separated by a comma and an optional space. Note that the order in which these attribute-value pairs are listed affects where the search occurs in the LDAP database. Following are the attributes strings that can be used here:
  • CN: commonName
  • L: localityName
  • ST: stateOrProvinceName
  • O: organizationName
  • OU: organizationalUnitName
  • C: countryName
  • STREET: streetAddress
  • DC: domainComponent
  • UID: userId

Format: String

Range: 1-512 characters

Default: Blank

Search Scope Level within the LDAP database to perform the search:
  • Base Object - search in entries only at the search base DN level.
  • One Level - search only in entries immediately below the search base DN level.
  • Subtree - search in entries at the base DN level and in all entries below it.

Format: Dropdown menu

Range: Base Object, One Level, Subtree

Default: Subtree


LDAP/SOAP search filter used to define additional criteria used to identify entries in a search request. Filter coding can be complex and can include various punctuation characters to represent different types of filters. This field may be used to enter the subscriber/pool key to search subscriber records. This field is optional.

For each filter operation, the basic format is beginning and ending with parenthesis, then the attribute description, the operation (i.e., =, <, >, ~), and the value to compare. For example, (imsi=$(imsi)) can be used to map an LDAP attribute of imsi to the Profile Field Name. Valid key/token values include $(imsi), $(msisdn), and $(nai). The key/token name is validated against the Profile Field Name used, so you cannot set this field to MSISDN and use the token $(imsi) in the filter(the value would need to be $(msisdn)).

More than one filter operation can be entered here to provide more complex filtering operations. For example, ! is used for a NOT filter, & used for an AND filter, and | is used for an OR filter. For example:


In this example, attributes 1, 2, and 3 must all evaluate to true for the subscriber/pool record to be a match.

Format: String

Range: 1-256 characters

Default: Blank

Key -> Ud If the key value in the LDAP database differs from the key value in the Sh request, use regular expressions in these fields to transform the UDR database value so that these two values match.

For example, if an MSISDN value in the Sh request contains the country code (447771888777) and the LDAP database stores the MSISDN value with the internally dialed number instead (07771888777), you would enter (44)(.*) in Transform Pattern and 0$2 in Replace Pattern to remove 0 and add 44 to the beginning of the stored MSISDN number.

Format: String - regular expression format

Range: 1-32 characters

Default: Blank

Ud -> Key If the key value in the SOAP request differs from the key value in the LDAP database, use regular expressions in these fields to define which part of the SOAP request value is to be replaced. In the example above, you would enter 0$2 in Transform Pattern and (44)(.*) in Replace Pattern to remove 44 and add 0 to the beginning of the SOAP request's MSISDN number.

Format: Integer - regular expression format

Range: 1-32 characters

Default: Blank