

  • ストアの一般的なトラブルシューティングを行います。


  • 長時間実行されているプランのステータスをチェックします。

    プランの中には、多数のステップが必要で、実行に時間がかかるものもあります。管理者は、プランを確認して、プランの進捗を確認できます。たとえば、plan deploy–snコマンドを多くのストレージ・ノードに対して実行しているときに、このコマンドを検証できます。追加のノードが作成されてオンラインになっていることを確認するために、verifyコマンドで、反復ごとにレポートを作成できます。


  • ERROR状態のプランの診断に役立つ追加情報を取得します。


kv-> verify configuration
Verify: starting verification of store MetroArea based upon
topology sequence #117
100 partitions and 6 storage nodes
Time: 2018-09-28 06:57:10 UTC   Version: 18.3.2
See node01:Data/virtualroot/datacenter1/kvroot/MetroArea/
                                          log/MetroArea_{0..N}.log for
                                          progress messages
Verify: Shard Status: healthy:2 writable-degraded:0
                                            read-only:0 offline:0
Verify: Admin Status: healthy
Verify: Zone [name=Manhattan id=zn1 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false]
   RN Status: online:2 offline: 0 maxDelayMillis:1 maxCatchupTimeSecs:0
Verify: Zone [name=JerseyCity id=zn2 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false]
   RN Status: online:2 offline: 0 maxDelayMillis:1 maxCatchupTimeSecs:0
Verify: Zone [name=Queens id=zn3 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false]
   RN Status: online:2 offline: 0
Verify: == checking storage node sn1 ==
Verify: Storage Node [sn1] on node01:5000
   Zone: [name=Manhattan id=zn1 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false]
   Status: RUNNING
   Ver: 18.3.2 2018-09-17 09:33:45 UTC  Build id: a72484b8b33c
Verify:         Admin [admin1]          Status: RUNNING,MASTER
Verify:         Rep Node [rg1-rn2]      Status: RUNNING,REPLICA
   sequenceNumber:127 haPort:5011 available storage size:14 GB delayMillis:1 catchupTimeSecs:0
Verify: == checking storage node sn2 ==
Verify: Storage Node [sn2] on node02:6000
   Zone: [name=Manhattan id=zn1 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false]
   Status: RUNNING
   Ver: 18.3.2 2018-09-17 09:33:45 UTC  Build id: a72484b8b33c
Verify:         Rep Node [rg2-rn2]      Status: RUNNING,REPLICA
   sequenceNumber:127 haPort:6010 available storage size:24 GB delayMillis:1 catchupTimeSecs:0
Verify: == checking storage node sn3 ==
Verify: Storage Node [sn3] on node03:7000
   Zone: [name=JerseyCity id=zn2 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false]
   Status: RUNNING
   Ver: 18.3.2 2018-09-17 09:33:45 UTC  Build id: a72484b8b33c
Verify:         Admin [admin2]          Status: RUNNING,REPLICA
Verify:         Rep Node [rg1-rn3]      Status: RUNNING,REPLICA
   sequenceNumber:127 haPort:7011 available storage size:22 GB delayMillis:1 catchupTimeSecs:0
Verify: == checking storage node sn4 ==
Verify: Storage Node [sn4] on node04:8000
   Zone: [name=JerseyCity id=zn2 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false]
   Status: RUNNING
   Ver: 18.3.2 2018-09-17 09:33:45 UTC  Build id: a72484b8b33c
Verify:         Rep Node [rg2-rn3]      Status: RUNNING,REPLICA
   sequenceNumber:127 haPort:8010 available storage size:24 GB delayMillis:1 catchupTimeSecs:0
Verify: == checking storage node sn5 ==
Verify: Storage Node [sn5] on node05:9000
   Zone: [name=Queens id=zn3 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false]
   Status: RUNNING
   Ver: 18.3.2 2018-09-17 09:33:45 UTC  Build id: a72484b8b33c
Verify:         Admin [admin3]          Status: RUNNING,REPLICA
Verify:         Rep Node [rg1-rn1]      Status: RUNNING,MASTER
   sequenceNumber:127 haPort:9011 available storage size:18 GB
Verify: == checking storage node sn6 ==
Verify: Storage Node [sn6] on node06:10000
   Zone: [name=Queens id=zn3 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false]
   Status: RUNNING
   Ver: 18.3.2 2018-09-17 09:33:45 UTC  Build id: a72484b8b33c
Verify:         Rep Node [rg2-rn1]      Status: RUNNING,MASTER
   sequenceNumber:127 haPort:10010 available storage size:16 GB

Verification complete, no violations.   


kv-> verify configuration -silent
Verify: starting verification of store MetroArea based upon
topology sequence #117
100 partitions and 6 storage nodes
Time: 2018-09-28 06:57:10 UTC   Version: 18.3.2
See node01:Data/virtualroot/datacenter1/kvroot/MetroArea/
                            log/MetroArea_{0..N}.log for progress messages
Verification complete, no violations. 


kv-> verify configuration -silent
Verify: starting verification of store MetroArea based upon
topology sequence #117
100 partitions and 6 storage nodes
Time: 2018-09-28 06:57:10 UTC   Version: 18.3.2
See node01:Data/virtualroot/datacenter1/kvroot/MetroArea/
                            log/MetroArea_{0..N}.log for progress messages
Verification complete, 2 violations, 0 notes found.
Verification violation: [rg2-rn2]       ping() failed for rg2-rn2 :
Unable to connect to the storage node agent at host node02, port 6000,
which may not be running; nested exception is:
        java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: node02;
        nested exception is: Connection refused
Verification violation: [sn2]   ping() failed for sn2 : Unable to connect
        to the storage node agent at host node02, port 6000,
        which may not be running; nested exception is:
        java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: node02;
        nested exception is: Connection refused 

デフォルト・モード(冗長)を使用した場合、verify configurationでは同じ問題が次のように示されます。

kv-> verify configuration
Verify: starting verification of store MetroArea based upon
topology sequence #117
100 partitions and 6 storage nodes
Time: 2018-09-28 06:57:10 UTC   Version: 18.3.2
See node01:Data/virtualroot/datacenter1/kvroot/MetroArea/
                            log/MetroArea_{0..N}.log for progress messages
Verify: Shard Status: healthy:1 writable-degraded:1
                                                read-only:0 offline:0
Verify: Admin Status: healthy
Verify: Zone [name=Manhattan id=zn1 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false]
   RN Status: online:1 offline: 1 maxDelayMillis:1 maxCatchupTimeSecs:0
Verify: Zone [name=JerseyCity id=zn2 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false]
   RN Status: online:2 offline: 0 maxDelayMillis:1 maxCatchupTimeSecs:0
Verify: Zone [name=Queens id=zn3 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false]
   RN Status: online:2 offline: 0
Verify: == checking storage node sn1 ==
Verify: Storage Node [sn1] on node01:5000
   Zone: [name=Manhattan id=zn1 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false]
   Status: RUNNING
   Ver: 18.3.2 2018-09-17 09:33:45 UTC  Build id: a72484b8b33c
Verify:         Admin [admin1]          Status: RUNNING,MASTER
Verify:         Rep Node [rg1-rn2]      Status: RUNNING,REPLICA
   sequenceNumber:127 haPort:5011 available storage size:18 GB delayMillis:1 catchupTimeSecs:0
Verify: == checking storage node sn2 ==
Verify:         sn2: ping() failed for sn2 :
Unable to connect to the storage node agent at host node02, port 6000,
which may not be running; nested exception is:
        java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: node02;
        nested exception is: Connection refused
Verify: Storage Node [sn2] on node02:6000
   Zone: [name=Manhattan id=zn1 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false] 
Verify:         rg2-rn2: ping() failed for rg2-rn2 :
Unable to connect to the storage node agent at host node02, port 6000,
which may not be running; nested exception is:
        java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: node02;
        nested exception is: Connection refused
Verify:         Rep Node [rg2-rn2]      Status: UNREACHABLE
Verify: == checking storage node sn3 ==
Verify: Storage Node [sn3] on node03:7000
  Zone: [name=JerseyCity id=zn2 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false]
  Status: RUNNING
  Ver: 18.3.2 2018-09-17 09:33:45 UTC  Build id: a72484b8b33c
Verify:         Admin [admin2]          Status: RUNNING,REPLICA
Verify:         Rep Node [rg1-rn3]      Status: RUNNING,REPLICA
  sequenceNumber:127 haPort:7011 available storage size:12 GB delayMillis:1 catchupTimeSecs:0
Verify: == checking storage node sn4 ==
Verify: Storage Node [sn4] on node04:8000
  Zone: [name=JerseyCity id=zn2 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false]
  Status: RUNNING
  Ver: 18.3.2 2018-09-17 09:33:45 UTC  Build id: a72484b8b33c
Verify:         Rep Node [rg2-rn3]      Status: RUNNING,REPLICA
  sequenceNumber:127 haPort:8010 available storage size:11 GB delayMillis:0 catchupTimeSecs:0
Verify: == checking storage node sn5 ==
Verify: Storage Node [sn5] on node05:9000
  Zone: [name=Queens id=zn3 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false]
  Status: RUNNING
  Ver: 18.3.2 2018-09-17 09:33:45 UTC  Build id: a72484b8b33c
Verify:         Admin [admin3]          Status: RUNNING,REPLICA
Verify:         Rep Node [rg1-rn1]      Status: RUNNING,MASTER
  sequenceNumber:127 haPort:9011 available storage size:14 GB
Verify: == checking storage node sn6 ==
Verify: Storage Node [sn6] on node06:10000
  Zone: [name=Queens id=zn3 type=PRIMARY allowArbiters=false masterAffinity=false]
  Status: RUNNING
  Ver: 18.3.2 2018-09-17 09:33:45 UTC  Build id: a72484b8b33c
Verify:         Rep Node [rg2-rn1]      Status: RUNNING,MASTER
  sequenceNumber:127 haPort:10010 available storage size:16 GB

Verification complete, 2 violations, 0 notes found.
Verification violation: [rg2-rn2]       ping() failed for rg2-rn2 :
Unable to connect to the storage node agent at host node02, port 6000,
which may not be running; nested exception is:
        java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: node02;
        nested exception is: Connection refused
Verification violation: [sn2]   ping() failed for sn2 :
Unable to connectto the storage node agent at host node02, port 6000,
which may not be running; nested exception is:
        java.rmi.ConnectException: Connection refused to host: node02;
        nested exception is: Connection refused 


検証の出力は、コマンドの完了後にのみシェルに表示されます。検証の進捗を確認するには、Oracle NoSQL Databaseのログ・ファイルに対してtailまたはgrepを使用します。文字列Verifyを検索します。次に例を示します。

grep Verify /KVRT1/mystore/log/mystore_0.log