Adding an Outlook Web Applet to a Task Detail Page as Related Information

You can embed external Web content, such as Microsoft Outlook, by creating a custom Web applet that appears as a related information section in your task detail page.

To perform this procedure, your role must include the Customize Application and Manage Custom Web Applets privileges.

To add a Microsoft Outlook Web applet to a task detail page as related information

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click the Admin global link.

  2. Click Application Customization.

  3. Click Activity.

  4. In the Application Setup section, click Global Web Applets, then click New.

  5. In the Custom Web Applet page, complete the following fields, and click Save.

    Field Comments


    Enter Outlook Calendar.


    Select Detail Page.


    Select HTML.

    Web Applet HTML

    Add the following code:

    <script src="
    Note: To change the size of the Microsoft Outlook gadget, modify the numbers (in pixels) for the width, which is 800 (w=800) in the code shown here, and the height, which is 500 (h=500) in the code shown here.