Creating a Business Process to Lock Sample Request Records

You can configure a business process to lock sample request records so that after a sample request is signed, it cannot be modified. For example, when the sample request status is set to one of the following states:

  • Pending. You can make all updates to the sample request and the associated sample request items.

  • Signed. You cannot add any additional sample request items, nor delete any existing sample request items. However, Oracle CRM On Demand can update the sample request item status.

  • Voided. All sample request items are voided and cannot be changed.

Use the following procedure to create a business process to lock sample request records in Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition that satisfy these conditions. This task is a step in Setting Up Business Processes to Lock Records in Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

Note: This procedure is only an example. Configuring a business process to lock sample request records varies according to Oracle CRM On Demand installation, and depends on the customer’s business rules for locking data.

To create a business process to lock sample request records in Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition

  1. In Oracle CRM On Demand, click the Admin link, and then click Process Administration.

  2. Click New on the Process List page and on the Process Edit page:

    1. Enter a name for the process in the Process Name field, for example, Locking a Sample Request Record.

    2. In the Object Name field, select Sample Request from the menu.

      The Transition field automatically displays Status by default.

    3. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description of the business process.

    4. Click Save.

  3. On the Process List page, open the business process (Locking a Sample Request Record) that you just created.

  4. On the Process Detail page, click Add in the Transition States section, and set up the transition states for the business process as described in the following table.

    State Disable Update Check Box Disable Delete/Remove Check Box


    Not Selected

    Not Selected


    Not selected





  5. On the Process Detail page in the Transition States section, configure the transition states:

    1. Open the transition state.

    2. On the Transition State Detail page, click Add in the Field Setup section, add the required fields for the transition state, select the read-only check box for the fields as required, then click Save.

      For the Signed transition state, select read-only for all fields except the Status field.

    3. On the Transition State Detail page, click Add in the Related Access Control section, then add the related access controls for the transition state as described in the following table.

      State Record Type Disable Create/Add Check Box Disable Update Check Box Disable Delete/Remove Check Box


      Sample Request Items


      Not Selected



      Sample Request Items

      Not Selected

      Not selected

      Not Selected


      Sample Request Items




      The related access control in the previous table prevents the creation, addition or deletion of sample request items while a sample request item is in the Signed state.

    4. Click Save.
  6. Sign out of Oracle CRM On Demand, and then sign in again for the changes to take effect.