Setting Up Page Layouts for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition

When setting up a page layout, you can create a new layout, or you can copy or edit an existing layout. You can add fields to the page layout as well as to the sections within the page, and you can also make available the related information in the page layout.

Complete the steps in the following procedure for each page layout that you want to set up in Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition. The information cross referenced in this procedure shows the details of the custom page layouts and related information sections that company administrators set up for the Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

This task is a step in Roadmap for Configuring Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition.

To set up a page layout for Oracle CRM On Demand Life Sciences Edition

  1. In Oracle CRM On Demand, click the Admin link, and then click Application Customization.

  2. In the Record Type Setup section, click the link for the required record type, for example, click the Account record type.

  3. In the Page Layout Management section, click the link for the required page layout type, for example, click the link for Account Page Layout.

  4. Perform the following steps:

    1. On the Record Type Page Layout page, click Copy (the link next to a layout) to create a new layout that is based on an existing layout, or click New Layout on the title bar to create an entirely new layout.

      Record Type is a placeholder for the name of the Page Layout page.

    2. In Step 1 of the Page Layout wizard, enter a name for the layout and (optionally) a description, for example, enter LS Account Page Layout.

    3. Click Finish to save the layout.

      You will return later to the Page Layout wizard to finish setting up the page layout.

    For information about the page layouts that can be customized for the LS Field Sales Rep role, see Page Layouts for the LS Field Sales Rep Role.

  5. On the Record Type Page Layout page, click the Edit Sections link for the layout that you want to configure.

    The Section Names Setup page opens.

    Record Type is a placeholder for the name of the Page Layout page.

  6. In the Section Names Setup page, enter the labels for any new sections that you want to set up on the page layout or edit the display name of the default sections as required, then click Save.

    For information about the page sections in the custom page layouts for the LS Field Sales Rep role, see Page Sections for the LS Field Sales Rep Role Page Layouts.

  7. On the Record Type Page Layout page, click the Edit link next to the layout that you want to configure.

    Record Type is a placeholder for the name of the Page Layout page.

  8. In the Page Layout wizard, go to Step 2 (Field Setup), and specify the field setup for the page layout.

    For each field, select the Required or Read-Only check box, as necessary to support your business processes. For information about the field setup in the custom page layouts for the LS Field Sales Rep role, see Field Setup and Layout for the LS Field Sales Rep Role Page Layouts.

  9. In the Page Layout wizard, go to Step 3 (Field Layout), and configure the field layout for the page.

    Click the arrows to add fields to the various page sections, and remove any fields that are not required, by moving them from the page sections to the Available Fields list. For information about the field layout in the custom page layouts for the LS Field Sales Rep role, see Field Setup and Layout for the LS Field Sales Rep Role Page Layouts.

  10. In the Page Layout wizard, go to Step 4 (Related Information), and configure the related information that is available on the page.

    Click the arrows to move the Related Information items to the Displayed Information or Available Information sections, as required. For information about the related information sections in the custom page layouts for the LS Field Sales Rep role, see Related Information Sections for the LS Field Sales Rep Role Page Layouts.

  11. Click Finish.