About the Enhanced Queuing Mechanism

The queuing mechanism allows the server to distribute the resources more efficiently for all users. Thus, a user with a smaller import or data load no longer has to wait for a large import or data load to finish until the small import is processed.

When Oracle Data Loader On Demand submits a request to Oracle CRM On Demand, the file is divided into smaller segments that are processed in parallel by all available tasks on the server. For example, when you submit a file with 4,000 accounts and there are four tasks available on the server, each task processes a data file of 1,000 records. Because of this separation, the server can process the records in any order. For example, records 1001 to 2000 can be processed before records 1 to 1000.

If there are more CSV data segments than available tasks, then the CSV data segments are queued. This is true for all users who submit data using Oracle Data Loader On Demand.