Command-Line and Properties File

You can specify the parameters for any operation (Insert, Update, Upsert, or Resume) on the command-line, or use a properties file. If you use a properties file (recommended), then the command-line must contain the following parameters:

  • username

  • propertyfilepath

If you specify all possible parameters in the properties file, then the resulting command-line resembles the following:

java -jar Oracle_DataLoader_OnDemand.jar -username "AcmeRentals/jbrown" -
propertyfilepath "D:\dataload\propfiles\insert_leads.txt"

If the same parameter is specified in both the properties file and the command-line, the command-line value overrides the value in the properties file.

Note: Do not specify your user name in the properties file. This parameter must be specified on the command-line.