Optimizing Load Size

When performing a large load, keep in mind that the entire environment might need to be sized appropriately for the load that you plan to perform. There are many factors to take into consideration to ensure optimal results.

To ensure optimal load size

  1. Check the client configuration to ensure data is sent at an optimal speed.

  2. Inspect the data to avoid errors.

    You might want to load your data in a particular sequence because one record might depend on another record's existence. For example, if you want to import your users, and your data has a Reports To field, you might want to import users in hierarchical order so the executives are already in the database before their subordinates. These records cannot be imported randomly, but require sequential processing.

  3. Check for other data quality issues, such as the required fields and pick list values are valid.

  4. Make sure that the log level is tailored to the specific load.

    There is no need for unnecessary logging.

    Some recurring data loads might need to be suspended by Oracle CRM On Demand Hosting Operations personnel, and they might need to restrict the use of the environment.

  5. Perform test runs and collect metrics for each test run. Scale or reconfigure the environment iteratively to achieve the required throughput rate.

    Optimizing typically requires a few weeks because it is an iterative process of plan, test, analyze, adjust, and repeat.