About Clearing Transactions from Integration Event Queues

You can use the Upsert command to clear transactions from an integration event queue. You can clear all transactions from the queue by including the <ClearAllTransactions> element in the XML file for the upsert operation, with the value set to true, as follows:


Alternatively, you can clear older transactions from the queue by including the <ClearFromDate> element in the XML file for the upsert operation, with the value set to a date and time. The upsert operation clears all of the transactions that occurred before that date and time from the queue.

In the <ClearFromDate> element, you must use the date and time format specified by the W3C standard. The format is:


In the string:

  • YYYY specifies the year

  • MM specifies the month

  • DD specifies the day

  • T indicates the start of the required time section

  • HH specifies the hour

  • MM specifies the minute

  • SS specifies the second

If you express the time in UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), then append the letter Z to the string, as shown in the following example:


If you express the time in a time zone other than UTC, then you must specify the positive or negative offset from UTC in hours and minutes, as shown in the following examples.

This example shows a time expressed in UTC:


The following example shows the same moment expressed in a time zone that is six hours behind UTC:


The following example shows the same moment expressed in a time zone that is six hours ahead of UTC:

Note: Unless the <ClearAllTransactions> element is included in the XML file and is set to true, or the <ClearFromDate> element is included in the XML file with a date and time specified, any transactions currently in the queue are not affected by the upsert operation.