Assign a Book Workflow Action Set

The following table describes the elements and sections in the Assign a Book workflow action set XML output file.

Table Elements and Sections in the Assign a Book Workflow Action Set XML File

Description Element or Section

<WorkflowName> contains the name of the workflow rule with which this action is associated. When performing an Upsert or InsertOrUpdate operation for workflow actions, this name is used to find a matching workflow rule.

<data:WorkflowName>Opportunity Rule

The <WorkflowAction> section contains the details of the workflow action.

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<Name> is the name of the workflow action.

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<Active> specifies whether the workflow action is active (true) or inactive (false).

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<Order> is the order number for the workflow action within the set of actions on the workflow rule. It determines the order in which Oracle CRM On Demand invokes the sequence of workflow actions on the workflow rule.

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The <WorkflowAssignBookAction> section contains the details of the Assign a Book workflow action.

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If the <AssignmentOption> element value is anything other than Remove all, then either the <BookName> element or the <BookExpr> element is required, to specify the target book. The target book is the book that is to be assigned to records, or removed from records, by the workflow action. The target book is specified as follows:

  • <BookName> optionally specifies the name of the target book.

  • <BookExpr> optionally contains an expression that evaluates to the name of a book.

Note: If the <BookName> and <BookExpr> elements both contain a value in an input file for an Upsert or InsertOrUpdate command, then only the value of the <BookName> element is saved in Oracle CRM On Demand.
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<AssignmentOption> specifies the type of book assignment. The valid values are as follows:

  • Add. This option assigns the target book to all records.

  • Replace. This option assigns the target book to all records and removes any previously assigned books that have the same type as the target book.

  • Replace All. This option assigns the target book to all records and removes all previously assigned books, regardless of type.

  • Replace Only. This option specifies that a currently assigned book is to be replaced by the target book. If the <AssignmentOption> element value is Replace Only, then the <ReplaceBookName> element or the <ReplaceBookExpr> element specifies the book that is to be replaced.

  • Remove. This option removes the existing assignment to the target book from all records.

  • Remove All. This option removes all assigned books from the records.

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    <data:AssignmentOption>Replace Only
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If the <AssignmentOption> element value is Replace Only, then either the <ReplaceBookName> element or the <ReplaceBookExpr> element is required, to specify the book that is to be replaced. The elements are as follows:

  • <ReplaceBookName> optionally contains the name of the book that is to be replaced.

  • <ReplaceBookExpr> optionally contains an expression that evaluates to the name of the book that is to be replaced.

Note: If the <ReplaceBookName> and <ReplaceBookExpr> elements both contain a value in an input file for an Upsert or InsertOrUpdate command, then only the value of the <ReplaceBookName> element is saved in Oracle CRM On Demand.
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<ApplyTo> specifies the cases in which the new book assignment will be made. The <ApplyTo> element is required if the <AssignmentOption> element value is anything other than Add. The valid values are as follows:

  • Manual. The book assignment will be made only in cases where the previous book assignment was made manually.

  • Auto. The book assignment will be made only in cases where the previous book assignment was made through workflow or a batch assignment.

  • Both. The new book assignment will be made in all cases.

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