Auditing and Log Files

All Web service operations in the customer test environment are audited. All successful operations as well as processing errors, such as Request Size exceeded, Invalid SOAP request, rate-limit error, and so on, are audited. You can view the audit records in the Web Services Utilization section in Oracle CRM On Demand (click Admin, and then Web Services Utilization).

You can view the log files for the operations that you perform in the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client on your local machine.

The log files that are generated for operations that you perform through the command-line interface are placed in a log directory under the directory where the MigrationTool.bat file is located, unless you set the outputDir parameter to specify a different location. If your computer uses a Windows operating system, then the path to the default log directory is as follows:


If your computer uses an operating system other than a Windows operating system, then the path to the default log directory is as follows:


In the directory path, Installation_Directory is the name of the directory where the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand ZIP file was unzipped.

The log files that are generated when you migrate configuration data through the GUI of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client are placed in the directory that is selected for the log files when you set up the migration job.