Custom Fields

Fields refer to all items under the Field Management section in the Oracle CRM On Demand user interface. Each object has its own set of fields that are derived from the functionality of the objects.

The following table describes the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands used with fields. For more information about running these commands, see Migrating Custom Fields.

Table Commands Used with Fields in the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand Client

Command Description

[-sortspec "fieldname[ sortorder][,fieldname[ sortorder]][,fieldname[ sortorder]]"] Read FieldManagement SystemNameOfObject

This command exports all customized and custom fields for a specific record type.

SystemNameOfObject is the system name of the record type. The system names for the record types are listed in System Names for Record Types.

The optional sortspec parameter allows you to sort the output by one or more specified fields, and to specify the sort order (ascending or descending) for each sort field. You can specify up to three sort fields, in any order. The supported fields are:

  • CreatedDate

  • ModifiedDate

  • Name

The supported values for the sort order are:

  • Asc or Ascending for sorting in ascending order.

  • Desc or Descending for sorting in descending order.

Note: The sort order values are not case-sensitive.

If you do not specify a sort field, then the output is sorted by created date, in ascending order. If you specify a sort field but do not specify a sort order for the field, then the default sort order is ascending.

[-sortspec "fieldname[ sortorder][,fieldname[ sortorder]][,fieldname[ sortorder]]"] ReadAll FieldManagement

This command exports all customized and custom fields for all objects.

For information about the optional sortspec parameter, see the description of the Read command.

Upsert FieldManagement FieldManagementXML

This command updates or inserts a set of fields in a particular object, as required.

Create FieldManagement FieldManagementXML

This command creates a new set of fields on a particular object from the contents of an XML file you create manually that contains the new field definitions, rather than extracting the definition from a company.

Note: If you are extracting field management from a source Oracle CRM On Demand environment, then regardless of whether the fields exist in the target Oracle CRM On Demand environment or not, use the Upsert command. If you are manually creating the field definitions and not extracting them from another source Oracle CRM On Demand environment, then use the Create command.

The Read and ReadAll commands extract only the field definitions for fields that have been created by a user or preconfigured fields that have been modified. Unmodified preconfigured fields are bypassed because they exist on all company tenants by default. An object with unmodified preconfigured fields or without any newly created fields contains an empty XML file.

The system names for the record types are listed in System Names for Record Types. You might not have certain objects available depending on how your company is set up, so some of the system names that are listed might not exist for your company.

Note: Nonadministrative Oracle CRM On Demand users can run the Read and ReadAll commands.