Custom HTML Head Tag Additions

Custom HTML head tag additions are custom <script> elements that you can add to the HTML <head> element of the Oracle CRM On Demand pages. For example, the <script> elements can contain custom JavaScript code that creates custom buttons on your pages. Your custom code can also reference JavaScript files that were uploaded through client side extensions or external JavaScript files. HTML head tag additions apply to all pages in Oracle CRM On Demand.

The following table describes the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands used with custom HTML head tag additions. These commands are case sensitive.

Table Commands Used with Custom HTML Head Tag Additions in Oracle Migration Tool On Demand

Command Description

ReadForValue CustomHTMLHeadTag

This command exports the custom HTML head tag additions for the Oracle CRM On Demand pages.

Upsert CustomHTMLHeadTag CustomHTMLHeadTagXML

This command inserts the custom HTML head tag additions that are specified in the XML file. If any custom HTML head tag additions exist in the target environment, then they are overwritten by the content of the input file.