Custom Web Applets

A custom Web applet embeds external Web content, a report, or a dashboard in Oracle CRM On Demand record-type homepages or detail pages, in the Action bar, or in the Home tab (My Homepage). Typically, the content is embedded by creating a custom Web applet that is added to the page layout for a homepage or detail page. For more information, see the topics about custom Web applets in Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help.

The following table describes the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands used with custom Web applets. For more information about running these commands, see Migrating Custom Web Applets.

Table Commands Used with Custom Web Applets in Oracle Migration Tool On Demand

Command Description

Read HomepageCustomWebApplet SystemNameOfObject [HomePageWebAppletName]

This command exports all the homepage custom Web applets for a specified object, such as Account, or a specific homepage custom Web applet for a specified record type (object), where:

  • SystemNameOfObject is the specified record type. The system names for the record types are listed in System Names for Record Types.

  • HomePageWebAppletName is the name of a homepage custom Web applet.

Read DetailPageCustomWebApplet SystemNameOfObject [DetailPageWebAppletName]

This command exports all the detail page custom Web applets for a specified object, such as Account, or a specific detail page custom Web applet for a specified object, where:

  • SystemNameOfObject is the specified record type.

  • DetailPageWebAppletName is the name of a detail page custom Web applet.

Read ActionBarCustomWebApplet ActionBarWebAppletName

This command exports the specified Action bar custom Web applet from Oracle CRM On Demand.

Read HomeTabCustomWebApplet HomeTabCustomWebAppletName

This command exports the specified Home tab custom Web applet from Oracle CRM On Demand.

ReadAll WebAppletType

This command exports all custom Web applets of WebAppletType from Oracle CRM On Demand, where WebAppletType is one of the following:

  • HomepageCustomWebApplet

  • DetailPageCustomWebApplet

  • ActionBarCustomWebApplet

  • HomeTabCustomWebApplet

Upsert WebAppletType MyWebAppletXML

This command updates or inserts a custom Web applet into Oracle CRM On Demand, where WebAppletType is one of the following:

  • HomepageCustomWebApplet

  • DetailPageCustomWebApplet

  • ActionBarCustomWebApplet

  • HomeTabCustomWebApplet

Note: Nonadministrative Oracle CRM On Demand users can run the ReadAll command.