Dynamic Page Layouts

Dynamic page layouts are page layouts that show different sets of fields for different records of the same record type, depending on the picklist value that you select in a certain field on the record.

The following table describes the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands used with dynamic page layouts. For more information about running these commands, see Migrating Dynamic Page Layouts.

Table Commands Used with Dynamic Page Layouts in Oracle Migration Tool On Demand

Command Description

[-sortspec "[Name [sortorder]][, Value [sortorder]]"] Read DynamicLayout SystemNameOfObject

This command extracts the configuration data for the dynamic page layouts for a specific record type (object).

SystemNameOfObject is the system name of the record type. The system names for the record types are listed in System Names for Record Types.

The optional sortspec parameter allows you to sort the dynamic layouts by dynamic layout name, and to sort the picklist values within a dynamic layout by picklist value name.

Name is the sort field for the dynamic layouts.

Value is the sort field for the picklist values within a dynamic layout.

If you do not specify Name, then the dynamic layouts are listed in no specific order. If you do not specify Value, then the picklist values for each dynamic layout are listed in no specific order.

The valid values for sortorder are:

  • ASC for sorting in ascending order.

  • DESC for sorting in descending order.

If you specify Name but you do not specify the sort order for the names, then the sort order is ascending by default. Similarly, if you specify Value but you do not specify the sort order for the values, then the sort order is ascending by default.

[-sortspec "[Name [sortorder]][, Value [sortorder]]"] ReadAll DynamicLayout

This command extracts the configuration data for the dynamic page layouts for all objects.

For information about the optional sortspec parameter, see the description of the Read command.

Upsert DynamicLayout DynamicLayoutXML

This command updates or inserts a dynamic page layout, as required.