Elements and Sections in the Action Bar Layout XML Output File

The following table describes the elements and sections in the Action bar layout XML output file.

Table Elements and Sections in the Action Bar Layout XML File

Description Element or Section

The <LayoutName> element contains the name of the Action bar layout.

<data:LayoutName>My Custom Action Bar Layout

The <Description> element contains the description of the Action bar layout.

<data:Description>Custom Action Bar Layout Description

The <ListOfSections> section contains the details of the Action bar sections.

. . .

The <Section> section contains the details of one section in the Action bar, as follows:

  • <Name> contains the name of the section.

  • The <Displayed> element is not used. A value might be returned by a read operation, but the element is ignored for upsert operations.

  • <Sequence> indicates the position of the section in the lists of sections for the Action bar layout, as follows:

    • Positive integers (for example, 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on) indicate that the section is in the Action Bar Displayed Sections list, and the value indicates the location of the section, with 0 (zero) meaning the section is located at the top of the Action bar.

    • A value of -1 indicates that the section is in the Action Bar Available Sections list.

    • A value of -2 indicates that the section is in the Not Available Sections list.

    • A value of -3 indicates that the section is in the Global Header Available Sections list.

  • <GlobalHeaderSection> specifies whether the section is included in the Global Header Available Sections list (true) or is not included in the Global Header Available list (false).

    <data:Name>Global Search Multi Field
    <data:Name>Quick Message Center
    <data:Name>Calendar Action Applet
    <data:Name>Quick Favorite Lists</data:Name>
    <data:Name>Quick History</data:Name>
    <data:Name>Quick Favorite Records
    <data:Name>Quick Create</data:Name> 

The <ListOfGlobalHeaders> section contains the specification for the global header for the Action bar layout.

. . .

The <GlobalHeader> section contains details of one section in the global header, as follows:

  • <Order> indicates the order in which the section is displayed in the global header (required).

  • <Icon> contains the name of the icon for the section (required).

  • <Applet> contains the name of the section (required).

  • <AppletWidth> specifies the width of the section (required).

  • <AppletDescription> contains a description of the section.

    <data:Applet>Global Header Create
    <data:Applet>Quick Favorite Records</data:Applet>
    <data:Applet>Quick History</data:Applet>

Name Element Value to UI Value Mapping for Applets

The following table maps the <Name> element values in the XML to the values in the Oracle CRM On Demand UI for the preconfigured applets. See the preceding table for more information about the <Name> element.

Table Name Element Value to UI Value Mapping for Oracle CRM On Demand Applets

Name Element Value in XML File UI Value

Calendar Action Applet


Enhanced Text Search

Enhanced Keyword Search

Global Search Multi Field


Quick Create


Quick Favorite Lists

Favorite Lists

Quick Favorite Records

Favorite Records

Quick History

Recently Viewed

Quick Message Center

Message Center