Elements and Sections in the List Access and Order Layout XML Output File

The following table describes the elements and sections in the list access and order layout XML output file.

Table Elements and Sections in the List Access and Order Layout XML File

Description Element or Section

The <ListAccessAndOrder> section contains all of the information for one list access and order layout for one record type, for one role.

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<ObjectName> contains the system name of the record type (object), which never changes.

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<RoleName> contains the language-independent name of the role.

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<ModifiedBy> contains the username of the user who last updated the layout, and the date and time the layout was last updated.

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  <data:ModifiedBy>AB User 10/26/2012 
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The <ListOfListAccessAndOrderList> section contains details of the list layout for one record type, for one role.

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The <ListAccessAndOrderList> section contains details of one list, for one record type, for one role. It includes the following elements:

  • <ListName> contains the name of the list.

  • <Order> indicates the order of the list within the layout, as follows:

    • A value of 2 or higher indicates that the list is in the Show in Short List section. The order number also indicates the position of the list within the short list of lists. The list with the lowest order number appears at the top of the short list of lists.

    • A value of -1 indicates that the list is in the Lists Available for this Role section.

    • A value of -2 indicates that the list is in the All Lists section.

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      <data:ListName>My Active Accounts
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