Elements and Sections in the Process Administration XML Output File

The following table describes the elements and sections in the process administration XML output file.

Table Elements and Sections in the Process Administration XML File

Description Element or Section

The <Process> section contains all of the information for one process.

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<RecordType> contains the system name of the record type (object), which never changes.

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<ProcessName> contains the name given to the process.

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  <data:ProcessName>Activity Process
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<PrimaryField> contains the name of the field in the record type that is to be used as a filter to restrict the process to certain records of the record type.

Only the Activity record type supports the use of a primary field to restrict the process.

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<TransitionField> contains the name of the field in the record type that determines the transition of records from one transition state to another.

The Status field must be used as the transition field for all supported record types.

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<Description> contains the description of the process.

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  <data:Description>This is a test process.
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<Order> indicates the order of this process within the processes for the record type. The Order field is set to 1 by default, and you cannot update the field to a different value.

Note: If you specify an invalid value, such as a non-numeric string, for this element when you insert or update a process, then an error is returned.
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<Default> indicates if the process is the default process for the record type (true). The Default field is set to true by default, and you cannot update the field value to false.

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The <ListOfPrimaryValues> section contains the values in the primary field that are valid for the process. A record will be locked by the process only if the value in the primary field on the record is set to one of the values specified within the <ListOfPrimaryValues> section.

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      <data:Value>Account Call</data:Value>
      <data:Value>Attendee Call</data:Value>
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The <ListOfTransitionStates> section contains the details of the transition states for the process.

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The <TransitionStates> section contains the details of one transition state for the process.

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<State> contains the transition field value that identifies this transition state. Each transition field value can be used with only one transition state in the process.

For upsert operations, the value in the <State> element must match an existing picklist value in the Status field for the record type.

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<Category> contains the name of the sales category that the transition state is associated with.

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<Description> contains a description of the transition state.

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<Created> contains the username of the user who created the transition state, and the date and time the transition state was created.

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      <data:Created>ABC User 10/26/2012 
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<Modified> contains the username of the user who last updated the transition state, and the date and time the transition state was last updated.

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      <data:Modified>ABC User 11/23/2016 
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<Condition> contains a condition that determines whether a record can move to this transition state.

Note: Do not use any calculated fields in the expression. Calculated fields are not supported in expressions in the Condition field on transition states.
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<ErrorMessage> contains the text for the error message that appears if the condition that is set up for the transition state is not met when a user tries to move a record of the record type specified in the process to this transition state.

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<DisableUpdate> determines whether a record can be updated when the record is in this state. If this element is set to true, then users, including external applications, cannot update records of the record type specified in the process when the records are in this transition state.

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<DisableDeleteOrRemove> determines whether a record can be deleted when the record is in this state. If this element is set to true, then users, including external applications, cannot delete records of the record type specified in the process while the records are in this transition state.

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