Extracting a Workflow Action or a Workflow Action Set

This topic describes how to extract a single workflow action or a single workflow action set from your Oracle CRM On Demand server for your environment; that is, a customer test environment or production environment. The output from the extract is saved to a file and directory as follows:


Authenticated users can extract a specific workflow action or workflow action set. The Read operation can read any existing action set even if the authenticated user does not have access to the object or trigger event for the specified workflow.


The following is the syntax for using the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client to extract a specific workflow action or workflow action set:

migrationtool -u UserID -s ServerURL Read WorkflowActionSet WorkflowRuleName [WorkflowActionName] [ActiveFlag]


  • UserID is the user sign-in ID that has the appropriate privileges to run the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands.

  • ServerURL is the URL for the Oracle CRM On Demand server where your company resides.

  • WorkflowRuleName is the name of a workflow rule. If the string contains spaces, then it must be enclosed with quotation marks.

  • WorkflowActionName is the name of a workflow action. If the string contains spaces, then it must be enclosed with quotation marks.

  • ActiveFlag is an optional argument that you can use to filter the workflow actions that are exported, based on the value of the Active check box on the workflow actions. The valid values are true (the Active check box is selected) and false (the Active check box is not selected.

Note: The Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client requests your Oracle CRM On Demand password, which can be redirected (by using the pipe command) to the client program from standard input; that is, from a file, from the command line, or from another program.

Example of Extracting a Single Workflow Action

The following is an example of extracting a specific workflow action:

migrationtool -u UserID -s ServerURL Read WorkflowActionSet MyWorkflowRule MyWorkflowAction
Note: If the workflow rule name contains spaces, then it must be enclosed with quotation marks. Similarly, if the workflow action name contains spaces, then it must be enclosed with quotation marks.

Example of Extracting a Single Workflow Action Set

The following is an example of extracting the action set for a specific workflow rule:

migrationtool -u UserID -s ServerURL Read WorkflowActionSet MyWorkflowRule
Note: If the workflow rule name contains spaces, then it must be enclosed with quotation marks.

Example of Extracting Active Workflow Actions in a Single Workflow Action Set

The following is an example of extracting only the workflow actions that are active in a specific workflow rule:

migrationtool -u UserID -s ServerURL Read WorkflowActionSet MyWorkflowRule "" true
Note: If the workflow rule name contains spaces, then it must be enclosed with quotation marks.