Extracting a Workflow Rule or a Workflow Rule Set

This topic describes how to extract a single workflow rule or a workflow rule set from your Oracle CRM On Demand server for your environment; that is, a customer test environment or production environment. The output from the extract is saved to the <TriggerEvent>.xml file in the following directory:

  • If the ParentRecordType parameter has an empty value, then the output from the extract is saved to the following directory:

  • If the ParentRecordType parameter does not have an empty value, then the output from the extract is saved to the following directory:


If the workflow rule set has multiple parent record types, then only the relative order changes.


The following is the syntax for using the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client to extract a workflow rule set:

migrationtool -u UserID -s ServerURL Read WorkflowRuleSet RecordType TriggerEvent [ParentRecordType] [WorkflowName]


  • UserID is the user sign-in ID that has the appropriate privileges to run the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands.

  • ServerURL is the URL for the Oracle CRM On Demand server where your company resides.

  • RecordType is the system name of the Oracle CRM On Demand record type (object) for the workflow rule. If the string contains spaces, then it must be enclosed with quotation marks.

  • TriggerEvent is the language-independent code (LIC) for the event type, see the table in Language-Independent Codes for Trigger Events.

  • ParentRecordType is the system name of the Oracle CRM On Demand parent record type (object). If the string contains spaces, then it must be enclosed with quotation marks.

  • WorkflowName is the name of the Oracle CRM On Demand rule. You can read an individual workflow rule by specifying a value for the <WorkflowName> parameter.

Note: The Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client requests your Oracle CRM On Demand password, which can be redirected (using the pipe command) to the client program from standard input; that is, from a file, from the command line, or from another program.

Example of Extracting a Single Workflow Rule

The following is an example of extracting a specific workflow rule:

migrationtool -u UserID -s ServerURL Read WorkflowRuleSet "" "" "" MyWorkflowRule
Note: If the workflow rule name contains spaces, then it must be enclosed with quotation marks.

Example of Extracting a Workflow Rule Set

The following is an example of extracting the entire sequence of workflow rules based on the Account record type and the Before Modified Record Saved trigger event:

migrationtool -u UserID -s ServerURL Read WorkflowRuleSet Account PreWriteRecord