Location of Output XML Files for Read and ReadAll Commands

By default, the output XML files that are created by the Read and ReadAll commands (and in some cases, the ReadForRuleSet command) that you run in the command-line interface of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client are stored in the repository directory, in a subdirectory that is named for the feature. The path for the directory is as follows:

  • If your computer uses a Windows operating system:

  • If your computer uses any operating system other than a Windows operating system:

Note: The repository directory is automatically created after you run the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client the first time.

In the directory path:

  • Installation_Directory is the name of the directory where you unzipped the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand ZIP file.

  • Feature is a directory name that represents a feature for which the configuration data can be exported by the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client. The directory for the feature is automatically created by the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client the first time that you export a configuration for that feature. The directory name is one of the following:

    • AccessProfile

    • ActionBarLayout

    • AssignmentRule

    • AssignmentRuleGroup

    • CascadingPicklist

    • ClientSideExtension

      Note: The XML files for the client side extensions are placed directly under the ClientSideExtension directory. A subdirectory with the same name as the client side extension is also created for each client side extension. The metadata file and the attachment file are placed within the subdirectory.
    • ConcatenatedField

    • CustomHTMLHeadTag

    • CustomRecordType

    • Custom Web applets:

      • ActionBarCustomWebApplet

      • DetailPageCustomWebApplet

      • HomePageCustomWebApplet

      • HomeTabCustomWebApplet

    • CustomWebLink

    • CustomWebTab

    • DynamicLayout

    • EnableModificationTracking

    • FieldAuditSetUp

    • FieldManagement

      Note: The FieldManagement directory holds the output that is generated when you extract the custom fields.
    • HomepageLayout

    • IntegrationEventQueue

    • LeadConversionMapping

    • List

    • ListAccessAndOrder

    • PageLayoutField

    • PageLayoutRelatedInformation

    • PageLayoutSection

    • Picklist

    • PickValueGroup

    • ProcessAdministration

    • ProcessAdministrationTransitionState

    • RelatedInformationLayout

    • ReportFolder

      Note: The ReportFolder directory holds the output that is generated for the role associations for all analytics folders, including folders where analyses are stored and folders where dashboards are stored.
    • Role

    • SalesAssessmentTemplate

    • SalesCategory

    • SalesProcess

    • SalesStage

      • SalesProcessBaseName

        Note: SalesProcessBaseName is the language-independent name of the sales process that the sales stage is associated with.
    • SearchLayout

    • WorkflowActionSet

    • WorkflowRuleSet

    • WorkflowUserSet

For example, if you unzip the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand ZIP file in a directory named Oracle Migration Tool On Demand, then when you run the Read or ReadAll commands to extract access profiles on a computer that uses a Windows operating system, the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client stores the XML files that it generates in the following directory:

Oracle Migration Tool On Demand\windows\repository\AccessProfile
Note: The output files that are generated by the ReadAll commands that are run when you migrate configuration data through the GUI of the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client are placed in the directory that is selected for the output files when you set up the migration job.