Modification Tracking Settings

The modification tracking feature allows you to track run-time modifications to records of certain record types. You can use the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client to migrate your modification tracking settings, and to enable or disable modification tracking for record types.

Objects Supported for Modification Tracking

In addition to tracking run-time modifications to record types such as Acccount, Contact, and so on, the modification tracking feature can also track changes to the lists of values for picklist fields. For more information about modification tracking, see Oracle CRM On Demand Online Help, which also provides a list of the record types that support modification tracking.

The following table describes the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands used with modification tracking settings. These commands are case sensitive.

Table Commands Used with Modification Tracking Settings in Oracle Migration Tool On Demand

Command Description

Read EnableModificationTracking SystemNameOfObject

This command extracts the modification tracking setting for a specific record type (object).

SystemNameOfObject is the system name of the record type. The system names for the record types are listed in System Names for Record Types.

Note: The system name of the Picklist object is Picklist.

ReadAll EnableModificationTracking

This command extracts the modification tracking settings for all objects.

Upsert EnableModificationTracking EnableModificationTrackingXML

This command updates or inserts the modification tracking settings for one or more objects.