Page Layouts

A page layout defines the appearance of pages, such as the edit, detail, or create pages for Oracle CRM On Demand records by hiding or adding sections or fields to the page. Page layouts can be one of the following:

  • Static. Indicates that specific fields are defined by role. This chapter applies only to static page layouts.

  • Dynamic. Indicates that the page layouts show different sets of fields for different records of the same record type, depending on the picklist value that you select in a certain field on the record.

    For more information about dynamic layouts, see Migrating Dynamic Page Layouts.

The following table describes the Oracle Migration Tool On Demand client commands used with page layouts. For more information about running these commands, see Migrating Page Layout Field Information.

Table Commands Used with Page Layouts in Oracle Migration Tool On Demand

Command Description

ReadAll PageLayoutField

This command exports all field setup and field layout information for page layouts, as defined in Step 2 and Step 3 of the Oracle CRM On Demand Page Layout Wizard.

ReadAll PageLayoutRelatedInformation

This command exports all related information for page layouts, as defined in Step 4 and Step 5 of the Page Layout Wizard.

ReadAll PageLayoutSection

This command exports all section setup and layout information for page layouts.

Upsert PageLayoutField PageLayoutFieldXML

This command updates or inserts field setup and field layout information for page layouts. The page layout is derived from an XML file definition.

Upsert PageLayoutRelatedInformation PageLayoutRelatedXML

This command updates or inserts page layout related information. The page layout is derived from an XML file definition.

Upsert PageLayoutSection PageLayoutSectionXML

This command updates or inserts page layout section information. The page layout is derived from an XML file definition.

Note: Nonadministrative Oracle CRM On Demand users can run the ReadAllcommand for PageLayoutField, PageLayoutRelatedInformation, and PageLayoutSection.